The conquest of the seas - La conquista de los mares

The invention of Alexander the Great was the closest thing to a giant glass inverted position, where you could stay as long as allowed the air that was gathered in the upper part of the vessel by the action of the water pressure itself
The history of science is the history of a search, the same one that leads us to find the questions by which the world is an answer. Far from such an assessment, but driven by the desire to make his heir an educated man, the father of Alexander the Great, King Philip II of Macedonia, entrusted to Aristotle the education of his son.

Aristotle put all his effort in the task of instructing the successor of Philip II on the throne and, for this, he gave him to know the material with which the most substantial response in the world is built. However, the ambition of Alejandro was conditioned by the military root of his genetic inheritance and with such budgets, you know, there is no worthy philosophy.

Everything indicates that Alexander the Great was insatiable as far as military conquests are concerned, not conforming only to the conquest of territories.

To get an idea, the invention of Alexander the Great was the closest thing to a giant glass inverted position, where you could stay for as long as the air that was gathered in the upper part of the container by the action of the water pressure. This idea was not his, but he would take it from his mentor Aristotle who, at the time, described how the aforementioned lebeta kept the air and did not let the water in, becoming such an invention in the prototype of the first wet bell. After the experience, Alexander the Great would write a letter to his mentor Aristotle in which he noted that "under the sea occur things that my eyes have seen without my mind can understand. Everything seems governed by the magic and the insane whims of monstrous gods. "


During the Roman Empire, the first units of combat divers would be formed, the so-called urinatores. One of his most bizarre actions is the historian Dion Cassius and took place in the so-called Battle of the Medway River, during the Roman conquest of Britain when the urinatores crossed the river on the right flank and attacked by surprise the British tribes that were command of the king of the tribe of catuvellaunos and their children.

Arrived here, we can point out that the development of underwater diving has been conditioned by the war context. Due to this and since ancient times, the relationship of the human being with war has been asking questions that have made possible always appropriate answers to military interests. Perhaps, if the world had taken another course and had been treated as an answer - and not as a question - the advances would be greater for having embarked on the path of science, without military detours or plans for military conquest. Maybe.


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