Is the BBC biased against left wing Labour MPs?

By Michael Morgan


We compared two interviews from Newsnight conducted two days apart - both by Kirsty Wark - one with Conservative Minister for the DWP, Amber Rudd, and the other with Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell.

The difference is STARK.

Wark doesn’t interrupt Rudd ONCE.
She doesn’t challenge any of Rudd’s answers and doesn’t appear to move away from her scripted questions to pursue any line of inquiry triggered by Rudd’s answers.
Watch it in full here:…/episode/b0c13j4r/newsnight-24012019

Wark’s only strategy seems to be paraphrase and repeat three questions:

  1. Will you back the amendment?
  2. Will you resign?
  3. Do you support no deal?

Wark interrupts McDonnell 21 times.
She ignores his answers about Labour’s democratic processes, the potential for changing the duration of the extension period, the impact of no deal on job losses vs status quo etc - and instead repeatedly interrupts him shortly after he has started to answer her, and presses him on questions he has already answered.
Common Qs

  1. Will you back the amendment?
  2. Do you back no deal?
  3. Do you back a second referendum
  4. Should Corbyn have met with May?
    Watch it in full here:
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