He went Super Saiyan! :P

Hey fellow hivers,

When I was growing up, kungfu movies were my favorite thing to watch. I remember my mom and sister would be going to the big mall, which only happened maybe once every other week, and it did have the big arcade (my second favorite thing before).. my mom would ask me if I wanted to go, but if I was watching already OR if there would soon be a movie coming on the TV (this was before netflix, so u really had to time the shows u wanted to see) I would pass on the mall.. it was movie time!

My favorite movies were anything by these guys..


the Shaw brothers were just awesome and made so many great films!

This gem is titled

Demon Of The Lute


I didn't watch it start to finish since there are no subs and I unfortunately don't understand Chinese, but I did skip through it and lucked out and found this greatness..

The hero of this movie (one of them? I think the girl is also a main character) had a boss fight..


against this guy who watched many roman chariot and jousting stuff..



(the dogs are so cool tho)

This confused the hero at first, but he quickly figured out how to deal with the shiny, pointy, giant, silver chopstick..

He simply jumped up on it and then delivered a flying kick!




This made the bald red mustache guy really angry! This is when he went super saiyan..



(put it twice, for full effect.. this might be were Goku got the idea from)

The end of the fight was not as cool, but here is..

The now super saiyan guy somehow got a Huge axe


(he did some magic gesture and it grew about 5 times bigger, then he turned into this big flying spiked wheel and threw it at the hero)



After a short chase, the hero managed to get the flying wheel of shred death to EXPLODE (of course!) as it collided with a tree..


The hero then grabs the giant pointy chopstick and runs it through red hair man who of course, turns into a fiery x upon his death.




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