Coordination Meeting of P3MD

Kegiatan Rapat Koordinasi Keluarga Besar Satker P3MD Kecamatan Peusangan

Activities of Family Coordination Meeting of P3MD Peusangan Subdistrict



Keluarga Besar Satker P3MD kecamatan Peusangan Kabupaten Bireuen,.yang turut dihadiri oleh Tenaga Ahli Ifrastruktur Kabupaten Bireuen,. Tenaga Ahli Tepat Guna dan Tenaga Ahli PED,.
Adapun pembahasan Materi hari ini tentang Hasil Rakor dtingkat Kabupaten,.yang mana menghasilkan beberapa arahan terbaru,.diantaranya :

  1. Pengimputan data Laporan Sarana dan Prasarana

  2. Pembahasan Masalah Pembentukan dan
    Pengembangan Kegiatan Makan Bersama dan Rapat Koordinasi BUMDESa

  3. Pembahasan Materi Posyantekdes,.Pembentukan Pengurus Embung Desa

Family Large Satker P3MD Peusangan Sub-district Bireuen District, which was attended by Experts Ifrastruktur Kabupaten Bireuen ,. Appropriate Experts and Experts PED ,.
The discussion of today's Materials on the results of the Rakor on the District Level, which generates some of the latest directives, among others:

  1. Data collection of Infrastructure and Facilities Report

  2. Discussion of Formation Problems and
    Development of Joint Dining and Coordination Meeting of BUMDESa

  3. Discussion of Posyantekdes Material, Establishment of Village Embung Executive



Sebelum melanjutkan Rapat Koordinasi,.diawali dengan Makan Siang Bersama dengan menu seadanya,

Before proceeding to the Coordination Meeting, it is scheduled to have lunch together with a pickup menu,



Kegiatan Rapat Koordinasi Satker P3MD Kecamatan Peusangan,.

Activities Coordination Meeting of Satker P3MD Kecamatan Peusangan ,.



Inilah sepenggal Cerita Singkat saya hari ini,.
Dimana cerita sahabat stemian semuanya..

Here's my short story today.
Where is the story of all stemian friends ..

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