busy: portey from pass


Loop poem Loop is a radically revolutionary poet in Punjabi literature, who has created a rivalry between the political, social and capitalist structures, the struggle of the uplifted classes, the social exploitation and the compulsive equation of the Fourth Revolutionary poem. This is proof of his self-sufficiency mental state. Embracing the compositions of Hindi in the local languages ​​of the Hindustani and in English too, it has been translated that every state of the state is just burning in an internal fire. Or religious equality. Apart from this, values ​​of values, political artists, in the capitalist era, have become a human affair, and in reality it is a human solution that becomes an issue for every sensible person. Loch's views are directly and realistic in Molec and Romantic form. Revolutionary tone loop can not be heard and neither the court raga His raga is the political consciousness that hears the Samoan rights in which he realizes. In poetry, he does not have the courage to keep the dreams alive, and also indisputably calls the death of human consciousness. The image of blood and democracy in the name of blood and police is a reflection of his poetry's exploitation by the capitalist community. The youth sitting on the village's chambers is truly deserving of his poem. Workers' laborers are the heroes of his poetry, who raise the voice of their rights. The poem of his poem is very sharp in the pre and post-1984 states. That is why the loop is not in our midst. But his poem is our adoration, it is true, it tells the time. The poem describes the history of his time and has become very popular in the world. Originally the poetry of Punjabi poetry is a struggle. Because the Punjab has always been in the shadow. That is why Pash is a prominent poet on a branch. The loop connected with the Naxalite movement extends out easily through the anger of the poem. The mental state underlying the image of the poem on his poem I think he is a conscious and sensitive poet but is also ideologically relevant. Keep on with his sensationalism politics over time. Creates a literary dialogue. His poem is uniquely identified with other major poets related to the Naxalite movement. That is why Punjabi is a major place for Pash in the world. Martyrs born on September 9, 1950, were shot dead on March 23, 1988.

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