was 1 number off the jackpot on kryptogamers.com

1 number away lol.JPG

to roll a jackpot bet in addition to your normal bet. The jackpot chance costs 0.20 each time and 0.10 hive gets added to the jackpot if your bet loses.

The jackpot is currently 1694.500 Hive you pay 0.20 hive to roll a chance of 1/10000 to win. You have to roll 7777 to win and I rolled 7787 today which was very close lol but I know it is all independent events. I'd love a boost of the jackpot as it's $1355 USD approx now


if you want to try the website you can use the below referral code.

please only gamble what you are happy to lose, because you could lose a lot otherwise.

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