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Meaning and Competition of Diversity in Korea

In the last posting, I was thinking about the meaning of diversity.
Diversity is America 's greatest strength and is now a part of the great disgust.

What does diversity mean in society? Why is it important?
I argue that the best competition for mankind comes from diversity
The best of competition comes from humankind.

If you walk around New York streets in a highly competitive city, you will not see one or two similar people. It's not just racial diversity. The style, profession, tone and ideology are all different. "The man who goes his own way" - this accident has naturally led to competition. Rather than competing for space in a limited space, you have to pioneer your path in this diverse society.

Competition to be unique, To be my own person

Art, for example, A draws better than B
Looking at C's unique style, I want to find a new way of painting my ego moving mind.

Competition for 'something else / new' has become the birthplace of the innovative technology market. Tesla, Apple, Search Engine, Uber, AirBi. And a lot of start-ups came up.

I think it is a society that encourages it that is more important than various accidents.

The center of the rioting in Virginia was a group that was not able to raise the value of diversity in the old thinking was threatened by the market. So it seems to have done a disgusting act of raising 'racial' cards in the corner.

As in Korean society, individual ego is all different and internationalized, and people's personality is getting stronger. But it seems that society is still trying to systematically push that diversity. Discrimination and prejudice are serious.

Like the various plants in the botanical garden, the same amount of water, the sun's surface, some plants will grow well. But in the same environment, there will be some plants that do not have the most beautiful flowers and can not bear fruit.

Recognizing the diversity of life, many people will unleash their talents and the success of our society will never end.

As it is becoming a nation of multinational people, we will raise awareness and Korea will become truly powerful in the international community. I know that during the history of Korea, Koreans are "a nation that has been preserved" and "a single nation" is our pride, and multiculturalism will not be easy.

However, the Korean Peninsula is becoming more meaningful than the Republic of Korea we know in the international community. When the environment of encouraging diversity of thinking and racial diversity is established, there will be opportunities for the most powerful part of capitalism, the best competition for innovation right on the peninsula.

I will conclude that I have related to Stein 's writing on Steam. As @skt1 wrote in the article 'Meeting True Values' ... Steam's various activities and attempts, we encourage it and evolve in a good direction. We know that it is a genuine development.

I hope our society will go that way.

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