[small talk] DD the kitty cat, Health checkup


안녕하세요 폴라입니다. 두 번째 포스팅 이네요.
Hey. This is polar & DD, and it's my second posting!

오늘 검진을 받으러 어머니께서 DD를 데리고 나가셨다는데요,

아직 애기라.. DD는 가방이 어색하고 무섭습니다.

잔뜩 겁먹은 저 눈빛 ㅠㅠ

어머니께서도 너무 미안해 하시면서 다녀오셨다고..

다행히 우리 막내는 건강합니다!

Today is the day of DD's health checkup. My mother went to the hospital with him.

DD is still a baby .. so he is in very anxious and awkward situation in the bag.

look at his eye.. :'-(

I'm sorry little DD but.. it had to do so.. (tears)

Fortunately there is nothing wrong with my youngest health!

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