테조스 베타넷 출시가 머지 않았습니다.

@areyoucrazy님이 테조스 소식을 많이 알려주셨는데, 요즘 활동이 없으셔서 테조스 소식도 별로 없습니다. 테조스 베타넷 출시가 머지 않은 것 같습니다. 테조스 재단은 베타넷 출시가 머지 않았다며 기부자(펀딩 참여자)의 기여를 확인하라는 글을 게시하였습니다.


Preparations for the Tezos Betanet

The Tezos community has been running the alphanet, a test network, successfully for well over a year. Although this provided valuable engineering insight, there is no substitute for real-world experience. To that end, the Tezos Foundation looks forward to the launch of a beta network (“betanet”). Tezos contributors who opt to interact with this network must understand that it will undergo unscheduled downtime and require maintenance and adjustments.

It is anticipated that a broader main network (“mainnet”) launch will follow with transactions from the betanet persisting into the mainnet.

  • 테조스 커뮤니티는 알파넷을 1년 넘게 성공적으로 운영해 왔습니다.
  • 테조스 재단은 베타넷 출시를 기대하고 있습니다.

Important to Check Your Contribution

A genesis block will be proposed by the Tezos Foundation at the betanet launch. To prepare for this, it is imperative that all contributors verify their donation—regardless of size—to confirm that it was received by the Foundation. The Foundation intends to recommend allocations in this proposed genesis block for donations of any size that were received during the fundraiser, but they must appear in the “Check Your Contribution” tool.

Click on the “Check Your Contribution” link below to access the tool and enter the Tezos public key hash that was included on the PDF document you created during the fundraiser. Only use this link and do not enter any other information besides your public key hash. If the donation does not appear when you enter your public key hash, then it will not be included as a recommended allocation in the genesis block proposed by the Foundation unless you take additional steps to make sure it is included. Further information is given on the linked page.

  • 베타넷이 런칭되면 테조스 재단에 의해 최초 블록이 생성될 것입니다.
  • 테조스 기부자는 기부 여부를 확인해야 합니다.
  • 기금 모금 시 작성한 PDF 문서에 포함된 테조스 공개키를 입력하여 기부금을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 공개키 외에 다른 정보를 입력하지 마세요.

기여 확인



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