Darkcoin, Double-Edged Sword


Before I start the writing using stream of consciousness, I declare that this script is just my personal view.

Nowadays, darkcoin such as Dash, Monero, Zcash, and Komodo emerged as one of the significant issues in cryptocurrency. Darkcoin is totally anonymous(pseudonymous) which is stored inside a wallet, and the wallet allows you to be private throughout all tradings you involved such as tradings at exchanges and between individuals.

Why the whole world is buzzing with the darkcoin?

It begins from its fundamental characteristic, anonymity, which can be exploited crimes and frauds, including money laundering, tax evasion, and black money. However, It's no wonder that anonymity has been already controversial issue in IT industries. The public can exert their influence for their improved life being anonymous on the Internet. Furthermore, no one would gladly disclose details of the private transactions. There's no privacy that it could release everything of yours by tracking your transactions. For these reasons, anonymity has been controversial and thornier issues.


Furthermore, the most typical role of cryptocurrency is the payment, and anonymity is an essential element of the currency. Therefore, anonymity derived from blockchain technology will be settled in the end through step-by-step involvement of the cryptocurrency into the mainstreams in society .

What is your opinion on this matter? Anonymity or Identity (Transparency).

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