Korean beer

Hite brewery is the largest in South Korea.
The Hythe brewery was opened in 1933 and was in Japanese ownership under the name of Chosun Beer Co., Ltd. In 1945, the new government of the country, which was already free of Japanese imperialists, confiscated the company. Now the plant produces more than five brands of beer: Hite, Hite premier, Hite Stout, Hite Exfeel in particular. The Hite factory also produces local Fosters and Carlsberg. In addition to the classic hight should pay attention to the black stout (5 degrees), as quite a decent dark beer. To do his began to quite recently.
More recently, the most common beer in South Korea was Hite, but in recent years, the owners of its competitive brand Cass spend active expansion. As a result, in so many restaurants and cafes in Seoul unfortunately was presented only Cass, beer, which has a slightly worse, clearly rice taste, with a weakly pronounced hop bitterness.
It is necessary to pay attention at once to the sad fact — beer in South Korea expensive, thanks to stupid economic policy. Beer is subject to a mere 130% fucking tax, while the tax on the popular Korean strong drink soju is only 35%. As a result, the average price of any local beer (0,5 l) in stores is 2000 won (2 dollars). In cafes and restaurants, the average price of 4,000 won. Well, if it's about local draft beer, be prepared to shell out $ 6 (6,000 won), for a European brand — $ 8 (8,000 won). South Korea has many Buddhists and Christians
The Ob plant besides mediocre Cas makes and OB Gold Lager-one of the best brands of the Korean beer of mass production. Its recipe uses 100% barley malt. This gives the beer a darker classic color and saturation. In the sale, unfortunately, is not found everywhere. There is in S and another good light lager Camry premium-refreshing beer, clearly with rice malt, but pleasant to the taste.

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