팔로워 101 달성! / Achieve 101 followers!

안녕하세요 찬포입니다.
Hello, I'm chanfo


가입한지 11일 정도지나서 팔로워 101명을 달성했습니다!
It has been about 11 days since I joined and I have achieved 101 followers!

사실 지금 팔로워 해주신 분들은 101명보다는 많지만 100을 넘긴 기념을 하고싶었기에 딱 캡쳐해놨네요.
In fact, there are more than 101 people who have been following me, but I wanted to celebrate over 100, so I just captured it.

앞으로 좋은 글을 쓰기 위해 노력하겠습니다. 꾸벅
I will do my best to write good articles in the future. Thanks

앞으로 쓸 제프로필 입니다 ㅋㅋ
This is my profile for the future. lol


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