Paintings on Merciful Goddess in the Exhibition of Goryeo Dynasty

The one of the most famous art works in Goryeo dynasty could be said the paintings on Merciful Goddess drawn in the way of drawing the moon reflected on the Water.
The one of the important Buddhist theory isA there is not permanent thing in this world, everything is changing constantly.
So it is impossible to show the very exact features of things, we can only things changing. The moon which we see in the sky is not exact appearance of the Moon. The exact appearance of the Moon could be the moon reflected on the Water.






That’s reason why Buddhist painters painted Merciful Goddess as the reflected moon on the water.

Among those Merciful Goddess paintings, Goryeo dynasty’s drawing are Known as the masterpiece.

Likewise other relics, much of the paintings had went abroad under the rule of Imperial Japan. So most of exhibited paintings were borrowed from abroad.

So I had stayed for a long time to look at those paintings carefully. Once this chance has gone, how can I meet those masterpieces.

But sadly enough, I could not get clear photos due to the poor illumination and the lack of my ability.

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