쉬운영어 복습 1~10강

Hi. Good to see you. My name is Laura.

Are you going to the gym today?

I'm going to read a book.

How was the interview?

I think you have a linguistic talent.

Do you think that is useful?

Do you wanna take a walk?

I wanna stay with you.

Is it true you pass the entrance exam?

How was your journey to Vietnam?

안녕하세요? 만나서 반가워요. 제 이름은 로라예요.

오늘 운동하러 갈 거예요?

책을 읽을 거예요.

면접 어땠어요?

당신은 어학에 재능이 있는 것 같아요.

그게 유용할 것 같아요?


당신 곁에 머물고 싶어요.

입사 시험에 합격했다는 게 사실이야?

베트남 여행은 어땠어요?

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