My Favorite Drawing In KR

Heyoo Internet World!

Last post of 2017!

Had so much fun producing this Image Kwon's drawing of the prison specifically for defectors. with my Step Dad's wife while I was in Korea
Enjoy my favorite shots here :)
Heyoo Internet World!

Last post of 2017!

Prisoners are forced to carry loads of excrement mixed with mud. The healthier prisoners usually try to outrun the weak to grab the front end of the pole, where the odour is relatively less foul.

A prisoner pretends to fall asleep in his cell with leftover food. When a mouse attracted by the sight and smell of the food approaches, he grabs the rodent and eats it raw.

Over time, inmates are reduced to skin and bone because of the manual labour they are required to carry out on minimal food rations.

Even the poorest of the poor parents are compelled to bribe the security police with treats such as high-quality cigarettes in order to visit their children in prison

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