The helicopter Kobe Bryant was flying. How a music company evolved into a GyroChip company that affects military craft, vehicles, weather, space and medical industry. The backdoor into all devices including modes of transport. What's on your vehicle?

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Many have asked questions like what kind of Helicopter was Kobe Flying.

It was known Kobe liked to take helicopters and the question became was he flying his own or a chartered one?

What can be found upon further search is The Washington Examiner states,

Right here the Washington Examiner states,

Kobe Bryant's helicopter pilot was warned by the flight tower that the aircraft needed to fly higher before it hit a mountain, killing everyone aboard.

"Two Echo X-ray, you are still too low for flight following at this time," the flight tower said. The tail number of Bryant's helicopter was N72EX. The 41 year-old NBA legend perished along with his 13 year-old daughter in the crash.

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According to 2OceansVibe

Bryant flew in “Two Echo X-ray” — the Sikorsky S-76B, tail No. N72EX, that went down Sunday morning.

As reported in,

A Federal Aviation Administration official told NPR on background that no flight plan was filed.

The Sikorsky S-76B was flying in low clouds and fog, and for part of its trip it was operating under "special VFR" (special visual flight rules) clearance, meaning the pilot had to stay clear of clouds and fog. Rather than flying under instrument flight rules (IFR) that would have helped him get through cloud banks, he was navigating by using highways and landmarks as references. Such requests are atypical — but not uncommon.

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The maker of the helicopter that crashed and killed former NBA superstar Kobe Bryant on Sunday pledged to investigate the incident.

Defense contractor and aerospace giant Lockheed Martin said it would probe the crash of its Sikorsky S-76B helicopter in Calabasas, California, near Malibu, which killed nine people.

The S-76 series helicopter debuted in the 1970s. Sikorsky has made several major upgrades to it since then, including the most recent S76-D model. The company has sold than 875 worldwide, including 103 units of the S-76B, Sikorsky spokesperson Callie Ferrari said in an email.

National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Christopher O'Neil said in an email that the agency "won't speculate about" the cause of the incident. An NTSB team of investigators is being deployed to California.

The S-76 series helicopter was "originally built for the rigorous demands of the offs​hore oil & gas" industries," but "its capabilities fit naturally into other market segments," including executive transportation and emergency services, Lockheed Martin says on its website.

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Also of interest was this article's claim,

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See a chat forum on this in the Sources and Connector articles below.

Came across this,

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When you go to the link right here,

You see this,

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Now why is that? What are they worried about? Why don't they want to be transparent? What are they worried about the general population hearing and drawing connections about?

Also came across this in a local source that verifies there were hazardous chemicals involved. Doesn't a fire make it handy to Say certain things as evidence is then destroyed or even damaged beyond recognition? "Allegedly" of course!

But the evidence there was a fire and hazardous material is acknowledged.

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NYP states,

Kobe used a chopper to play a trick on Pelinka, the LA Times reported in 2017.

Bryant had the pilot do military maneuvers on the chopper with Pelinka on board, and even turn the engine off in midair.

“My life was flashing before my eyes,” Pelinka told the newspaper. “I almost had a heart attack. Kobe’s just sitting there calm and collected.”

Photo in this article above,

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Photo taken from this Excellent source showing how it is applied to craft and transport,

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A must read,

If you will remember

Kobe had the same attorney as the Ramsey's in the JonBenet case. Have stated this in some other articles, but it very important. John Ramsey tied to Serco as evidenced by McConnell here who has been working on government corruption for decades and has insider info due to a family member.

These articles talk about a back door into virtually every device and every transport craft whether it be air, auto or otherwise.

It's how they can control virtually any aspect and as you know, they place people into every sector and industry. ..think banking, schools, churches, law enforcement, security. . .you get the idea. They do so locally , then branch out regionally, nationally all the way to the top levels of government which encompasses a global scale/network.

Don't forget, Hillary was not a child advocate lawyer, as a matter of fact she got a guy in Arkansas off for raping a 12 year old and was caught on tape laughing about it. I think even CNN dealt with that back when they used to do Some actual reporting. Anyhow she dealt primarily in intellectual property and patent infringement law. This became the backbone of control by obtaining patents and shutting anyone down who could challenge them or be a threat. It's all here and ties together to show how it is all connected in these two dives I did a while back.

I came across another researchers work that is quite good showing the applications of the QRS11 chip in transport. . .including helicopters. I don't for one second believe they Only limit this to military grade vehicles. They have already proven they overstep their bounds and collect our data, surveil 24/7, so why would they decide they have a moral compass or a line on This chip that allows them to tap into the auto pilot system, basically shut down access for control with an uninterruptible auto system they can digitally control remotely?

I know my friends and family who had worked on vehicles when I was little have said, most new vehicles they have no clue what is going on and they have to be taken in because so much is computerized now. With this kind of a chip that is a pretty scary thing. Brings a whole new light to the Loretta Fuddy case, the cop that went down investigating the Franklin Cover up with No explanation and various other crashes like the one in the Ukraine from China a few years back.

According to,

Kobe had the same attorney as the Ramsey's in the JonBenet case. Have stated this in some other articles, but it very important. John Ramsey tied to Serco as evidenced by McConnell here who has been working on government corruption for decades and has insider info due to a family member.

These articles talk about a back door into virtually every device and every transport craft whether it be air, auto or otherwise.

It's how they can control virtually any aspect and as you know, they place people into every sector and industry. ..think banking, schools, churches, law enforcement, security. . .you get the idea. They do so locally , then branch out regionally, nationally all the way to the top levels of government which encompasses a global scale/network.

Don't forget, Hillary was not a child advocate lawyer, as a matter of fact she got a guy in Arkansas off for raping a 12 year old and was caught on tape laughing about it. I think even CNN dealt with that back when they used to do Some actual reporting. Anyhow she dealt primarily in intellectual property and patent infringement law. This became the backbone of control by obtaining patents and shutting anyone down who could challenge them or be a threat. It's all here and ties together to show how it is all connected in these two dives I did a while back.

I came across another researchers work that is quite good showing the applications of the QRS11 chip in transport. . .including helicopters. I don't for one second believe they Only limit this to military grade vehicles. They have already proven they overstep their bounds and collect our data, surveil 24/7, so why would they decide they have a moral compass or a line on This chip that allows them to tap into the auto pilot system, basically shut down access for control with an uninterruptible auto system they can digitally control remotely?

I know my friends and family who had worked on vehicles when I was little have said, most new vehicles they have no clue what is going on and they have to be taken in because so much is computerized now. With this kind of a chip that is a pretty scary thing. Brings a whole new light to the Loretta Fuddy case, the cop that went down investigating the Franklin Cover up with No explanation and various other crashes like the one in the Ukraine from China a few years back.

This following article is stellar and I asked him if he knew which helicopter Kobe was flying as I know he had a helicopter himself with Military grade applications.

Here is more information involving the QRS11 chip,

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California and European Headquarters,

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Interesting, they have their hands in medical also so health industry which is targeted by many globalist movers and shakers like Nicole Junkermann,

Connections of Epstein, a Model/ Entrepreneur that leads to ties with the Vatican

Or you can read and skim here if no time to listen while doing chores and work,

A model connected to Epstein, connections to emergency services and an organization for orphanages

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So very much integrated into the auto industry, kind of reminds me of connections with an auto industry in the Ukraine, and a reminder for MODES of transportation being key!

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What a Money Trail and just look at those signaling Numbers the cabal likes so much. ..

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What BEI expanded into. . .

As an independent company, BEI Electronics expanded on a number of fronts. In 1975 it developed a 21-bit optical encoder used in weather satellites. BEI Industrial Encoder was formed in 1977.

In 1979 the company developed the Star Selector Servo Subsystem used in the Hubble Space Telescope. During the 1980s BEI Electronics developed a linear gap displacement transducer and the radiation-hardened optical encoders for the Galileo Space Probe.

By now the company had emerged as a clear leader in encoder technology. Its space system experience was second to none, with its encoders having been used on the Gemini and Apollo missions, Galileo, the Hubble Telescope, and weather satellites.

BEI encoders would later be employed on the Mars Observer missions, Spacelab, and the International Space Station. The devices were used to rotate satellite antennas, solar panels, control line-of-sight stabilization, attitude control, robotics, and shuttle arms.

Also in the 1980s BEI Electronics developed a dual-ended quartz tuning fork that was employed in a gyro for use in missile guidance systems.

Defense contracts soon became a major part of the company's business, in particular through the sale of the Hydra-70 rocket, which was relatively cheap, priced at $1,000 or less per rocket, making it an attractive training mission ammunition.

BEI Electronics quickly became overly dependent on its military business, so that when the company made an initial public offering of stock in 1989 it was greeted with little enthusiasm by investors, who worried that the company was too exposed to defense spending at a time when cutbacks were expected in military spending in the aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse.

The Gulf War resulted in a resurgence in rocket sales, but it was clear the BEI Electronics needed to find more commercial applications for its sensor products.

In the early 1990s BEI Electronics began an effort to diversify, initially through acquisitions, picking up Litton Encoder and Itek Encoder in 1990, which in the process eliminated its major U.S. competition.

Also in that year, BEI Electronics acquired four of six divisions of Systron Donner Corp., adding the Duncan division, involved in position sensor technology; the Inertial division, makers of inertial reference and guidance components using new quartz sensor technology; the Edcliff division, which made pressure transducers; and the Sylmar division, producer of fluid controls and advanced cryogenic cooling systems for imaging sensors.

Perhaps the most important acquisition in the Systron Donner purchase was the quartz technology from the Inertial division, which had the potential to transform measurement products in a way similar to what quartz had done to timekeeping.

Quartz sensor technology would find a wide range of applications in miniaturized sensors. In late 1991, in a further attempt to move away from the defense industry, BEI Electronics also formed a new healthcare division, BEI Medical Systems, to take further advantage of the company's medical business. For some time its components for positioning and motors had been used in medical applications by other companies. Now BEI Electronics hoped to use these technologies to develop its own products.

To help facilitate the shift away from the defense business, Crocker took over as president and CEO of BEI Technology in October 1995 following the retirement of Peter G. Paraskos. At this stage, the company was composed of three operating units: Defenses Systems, which produced the Hydra-70 rocket and associated avionics; Sensors and Systems, which produced sensors and engineered subsystems for commercial, aerospace, and military applications; and Medical Systems, which offered proprietary instruments and supplies for medical diagnostic and some surgical procedures.

While the latter two divisions were on the ascendancy, it was clear that the company's defense business was becoming increasingly less attractive and Crocker began taking steps to exit the Hydra-70 rocket business in 1996.

In the meantime Medical Systems continued to expand by acquisitions, buying OvaMed Corporation, which included subsidiaries Saratoga Medical and Fibertonics, involved in products for minimally invasive infertility and endoscopic procedures.

Sensors and Systems succeeded in transferring its missile guidance technology, which employed quartz tuning forks in a gyro. The company's GyroChips were first used by Cadillac in 1996 to detect fishtailing and prevent the loss of traction, and a large number of carmakers soon followed suit.

Spinoff in 1997

Unable to find a buyer for the rocket business, Crocker simply shut it down and then took steps to split the remaining two divisions as a way to enhance the value of each. In June 1997 BEI Technologies, Inc. was formed to take over the Sensors & Systems division, the shares of which were distributed to BEI Electronics. BEI Electronics then changed its name to BEI Medical Systems Company. Shares of both companies now traded on the NASDAQ.

BEI Technologies was especially aggressive in selling the GyroChip to automakers. Sales of the sensors in 1998 totaled $20.2 million and grew to $54.4 million in 1999.

BEI also was looking for further opportunities to take advantage of its other technologies. It expanded internationally in 1998 by acquiring Ideacod, a French company that manufactured electronic sensors used in factory automation.

It expanded internationally in 1998 by acquiring Ideacod, a French company that manufactured electronic sensors used in factory automation. In 2000 it formed a new subsidiary, OpticNet, Inc., dedicated to the development of fiber optic components for the telecommunications market, using BEI's MEMS process capability.

In the previous two years, BEI had made significant investments in the development of MEMS for a number of applications. In 2001 BEI acquired from Boeing Co. the Digital Quartz Measurement Unit and the MIGITS (Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical Systems) product lines, which had been co-developed by BEI's Systron Donner division. Systron Donner in 2002 would split into two units, devoted to automotive and inertial products.

The demand for BEI's GyroChip sensor in the automotive industry was the most important factor in the company's steady growth in sales.

Revenues improved from $159.4 million in 1999 to $219.2 million in 2000. More than $53 million of that increase came from GyroChip sensors sold to automakers. In 2001 revenues increased 9 percent to $239 million. The sale of GyroChip sensors grew by more than $31 million, making up for a drop in sales to industrial customers, in particular the semiconductor capital equipment industry.

Once again the sale of BEI GyroChip sensors to domestic and foreign automakers was the key factor, growing from $94.7 million in 2002 to $199.2 million in 2003. Ironically, BEI also was finding a use for GyroChip sensors in military aircraft, for which the technology was originally developed. In the foreseeable future, the company's fortunes were very much tied to the success of this one technology.

Principal Subsidiaries: BEI Sensors & Systems Company, Inc.; SiTek, Inc; BEI Ideacod, S.A.S.

Principal Competitors: CTS Corporation; Robert Bosch GbmH; Rockwell Automation, Inc.

Quick Rundown

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