As we know leadership is the most important part in our mature life. So here are some things or you can say study about leadership is mentioned.


Leadership is the way to leading people of an organised group and stimulates them by their own qualities.
Leadership is an important element of the directing function of management. Wherever, there is an organized group of people working towards a common goal, with helping each other.“The power of leadership is the power of integrating. The leader stimulates what is best in us he unites and concentrates what we feel gropingly" Marry Parker Follet.
Leadership is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in them to be led.

Leadership has been defined in various ways.there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it.

  1. Allford and Beaty, Leadership is the ability to secure desirable actions from a group of followers voluntarily, without the use of coercion.
  2. Peter Drucker, Leadership is not making friends and influencing people, i.e., salesmanship it is the lifting of man’s visions to higher sights, the raising of man’s personality beyond its normal limitations.

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Functions ::-

    The leader has a very important function of co-coordinating the activities of the group. So a leader in his executive capacity does not carry out work or activities but assigns it to other group members, as well as sees the proper execution of the policies.
    For instance, the leader of a political party makes it a point to see that the policies of the party are being executed. He also assigns the work of party propaganda to some persons, secretarial work to some others while the election work to some other members. He organizes discussions for the execution of the plan and acts as a guide during the discussion.
    However, sometimes, the leader is not able to delegate responsibilities and authority and feels necessity to be personally involved in each group activity. Such situation may prevent members from sharing responsibilities affecting their involvement in the work of the group.

    It is the primary function of a leader to guide and direct his group and motivate people to do their best in the achievement of desired goals, he should build up confidence and zeal in the work group.

    In case of large groups it is not possible for all members to directly deal with other groups. Thus, the leader assumes the role of representative of the group in its external relations. All communications outgoing and incoming are channeled through the leader.
    Also, the group’s unity is enhanced when the leader functions as the symbol of the group.
    In the governing bodies of the various universities, leaders act as the representative of their own group.

    The leader has also to function as the controller of internal inter-personal relations, among the members of the group. He makes efforts to raise the moral standard of his group. He wishes that the group may progress and there are established good relations among its members.

    The leader functions in the capacity of the planner too. He decides what ways and means are to be adopted to achieve the objective of the group.
    He plans the work of the grouping such a manner that the goal of the group may be achieved through proper steps being undertaken at the present and also in future. Thus, his planning may be for short term.
    Every group has many problems pertaining to it, social, political, religious and economic aspects. The leaders also plan out the ways and means to fight with the enemies of the group.
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     Frequently, the leaders are the only persons who know in complete details the plan to be adopted to achieve the group goal. The members are only told about some of the fragments of the plan with which they are concerned. Often the plan is drawn in such a manner that the execution in parts of it would ultimately lead to the attainment of the group objective.

For example, for the security of India, many a short term plans are drawn up. These plans when integrated, will lead to the attainment of desired objective.

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