Husband Too Much Sperm Can Also Make Wife Difficult Pregnant

Husband Too Much Sperm Can Also Make Wife Difficult Pregnant

The difficulty of having a child is not always caused by female fertility factor alone, but also male, because the process of fertilization involves the egg and sperm cells.

One of the main sources of male infertility is the number of sperm that is too little, or the movement of sperm is too slow. But do you know that too much sperm can also make men difficult to fertilize?

Too much sperm sperm causes buildup

Reported by Very Well, in the past, researchers usually focus on eggs as the main source of pregnancy problems and miscarriage. This is because there is only one egg that evolved every menstrual cycle.

However, recent research finds that this problem can also occur due to the accumulation of sperm in the egg, and how the sperm reaches the egg.

Excessive amount of sperm also triggers the risk of miscarriage

Reported by Psychology Today, John MacLeod and Ruth Gold make a comparison between the number of sperm and the case of miscarriage. The result, more sperm count can result in miscarriage or a failed pregnancy.

This larger number of sperm has a concentration of about 100 million / ml with 60% moving sperm (motile sperm). Compare with the number of sperm is about 20-59 million / ml contained in one third of men who have 4 or more children, without a miscarriage.

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