Wealth Is Not Happiness, Wealth Is a Responsibility

When I did not have any money, $500 was a great sum for me. Now I'm thinking of bigger sums of money, $ 100 million is my next goal. Money can help in life, living better lives, visiting the most beautiful parts of the world, and helping the family and others. When I did not have any money, I thought that every problem could be solved with money, but I realized that money can not make us happy, but can remove many things that make us unhappy. When we do not have money, we feel bad, but when we have a lot of money then we have more responsibilities. Money has its own rules, responsibility is high, and money-power laws act stronger at higher levels.

Money is energy that has its own rules, if we respect the laws that act, then we will have the money in abundance. People place a plain material logic over cosmic and natural laws, and then they wonder why a whole life runs for money.
Money comes to people who have responsibility, who have a plan and a vision of the future. We can only have as much money as our responsibility. Material success makes life easier, but it does not give the real freedom we really want. We need to make the balance of all success, happiness and desire, this is a crucial moment for a joyful and good life.
Sometimes I thought that with fortune I would be fortunate, today I see that happiness does not buy with money.

We have many battles that are waiting for us, ahead of us is a future that has its own obstacles and challenges. Responsibility means preparing ourselves for future challenges, anticipating some steps and working on them today. The balance between material, spiritual, emotional and physical goals is the most important condition for true happiness. If you are rich, but you do not have good health, or you have family problems, you can not be completely happy. In order to achieve a balance, we must work on our character, knowledge and habits. Man is an emotional being that makes decisions based on ego, the mind is a machine that keeps us constantly from idea to idea. Our mission is to achieve peace and it comes when we become commanders of our mind.

Make your personal development plan for each part of the life aspect. Identify the key points for your life's ambitions, write down all the major desires that are fulfilling you, but the most important thing is to find your spiritual peace, spiritual calmness. When you have peace then you are satisfied with your life, this is the most important thing we are looking for a whole life. When we choose a responsible life, we realize that the real wealth is above money and material freedom. We move the boundaries to a higher level of consciousness, we begin to enjoy the benefits of life, this is the real success.

Believe in yourself @dobartim

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