Know why we come to dream, what happens in our brains during our dreams?

The human brain is the mysterious little ball of gray matter. Researchers are still amazed by many aspects of how and why it operates. For many decades the scientists are practicing the study of sleep and dream studies, and we still do not know about 100 percent of slipping. We do not know exactly how and why we dream. We know that our dream cycle usually comes during the REM phase of sleep. It has also been accepted widely among the scientific community that we all dream, although the dreams seen in every instance are different, Are different. Whether there is any physical, biological, or psychological function in the dream, there is still to be found out. There are many theories that we see dreams. One is that the dreams work together with our sleep. That is to make the brain sart through everything that was collected during our waking hours. Your brain meets hundreds of thousands of things a day and every day Millions of inputs are set in our brains. During sleep, the brain works to make all this information safer, it decides what to keep and what to forget. Some researchers believe that dreams play a role in this process. There are some research to support such ideas. Studies show that we are learning new things at the time of our waking, so when we sleep, the dreams increase. The people who participated in a study were doing a language course, compared to those people. Dream more, who were not doing the course. In such studies, it is thought that we use our dreams and convert short-lived memories into long-term memories. Another theory is that dreams generally reflect our emotions. During the day, our brains work hard to build connections to achieve some of the tasks. The brain does not do mental work only, it is concentrating on creating the right relationship. Some have proposed that everything goes slow at night. We do not need to pay attention to anything during sleep, so our brains make very loose connections. During the sleep, the feelings of the day war in the cycle of our dreams. For example, if you are worried about losing your job, then you can dream that you are a shrinking person living in the world of veterans, or you are targeting a great desert ditch. A principle It is that dreams do not really work in any function, that when we get to sleep, there is only one useless sub-product of firing of the brain. We know that during the REM sleep, the rear portion of our brain becomes very active, during which the highest dream is seen. It is that unless the brain has such a secret, we can not say absolutely at all That's why we see dreams.

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