SPIRITISM (part 3)


Witchcraft and Spiritism generally intend to make contact with Jin. Except when dealing with a good Jin or really with a human spirit. But because the Jinn and the spirit are supernatural, we humans cannot distinguish them, from that most bring ignorance and sin alone.

An Egyptian Spiritual expert who had been deepening his knowledge of Spiritism and had a relationship with the spirits of the dead, finally realized that the spirits he called were not human spirits, but only Jin's evil. From that moment he repented, and left completely the science of Spiritism. Hasan Abdul Wahab, secretary of the Al-Ahram Ar-Ruhiyyah Assembly, an Egyptian spiritism gathering. He declared his repentance and went out of the assembly on March 20, 1960 as published by Daily Al-Jamhuriyyah and Liwaul Islam magazine No. 2 page 139 issue of April 1960.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim also argued that spirits contacted by experts of Tahdhirul Arwah were generally Jinn spirits, not human spirits. If he claims to be a spirit and knows the things about the dead he confesses, that is because indeed many Jinns know our human error. Also in accordance with the Sahih hadith which states that the Prophet Muhammad once explained to Aisha Ra.

ما منكم من احد الا و قد وكل به قرينه من الجن و قرينه من الملائكة . قالوا : و اياك يارسول الله ؟ قال : اياي، ولكن الله اعاننى عليه فلا يأمرني الا بخير . رواه مسلم عن عبد الله

"That every human being has 2 friends (qarin), one is an angel and the other is in the form of Jin or devil. After hearing that statement, Aisha asked the Rasulullah Saw: Do you also have a friend named Jin? Rasulullah Saw replied: "Yes, I too, but Allah helped me, the genie did not tell me except for good."


Source from the book HIDUP SESUDAH MATI, by H.Bey Arifin

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