Position, Transition and Submission by Eli Knight

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Prepare your BJJ for the most dangerous real-life altercations.

Understand the role of strikes in a street style exchange and how your jiu-jitsu must be adapted to accommodate for this hazardous variable.

What Will You Learn?

Jiu-jitsu’s deepest roots are in self-defense and the ability to manage a real-life altercation without incurring a great deal of damage is a skillset all in its own. NOT ALL THEMES IN JIU-JISTU TRANSLATE TO THE PAVEMENT. If we hope to come out on the winning end of a real scuffle, there’s quite a bit to consider when we’re transitioning our BJJ knowledge to this kind of setting. Distance management becomes more important than ever and the ability to stay safe, while we remove ourselves from bad positions needs your careful consideration. LEARN TO DOMINATE THE STREET ALTERCATION in this comprehensive 4-part series from Eli Knight.

Eli Knight is an innovator in the BJJ/self-defense realm and he’s spent years adapting practical BJJ for the street among many other ventures. Knight is incredibly passionate about this work and believes jiu-jitsu can be adapted for any situation and any person regardless of the conditions. Now, he’s going to share this vital information with YOU to make sure you’re READY FOR EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES! He’ll guide you through the most common “off the mat” scenarios and help you PREP YOUR BJJ FOR REAL VIOLENCE. In this series, Knight walks us through the flow of a fight and provides insight into the most common situational themes you’d expect to encounter in the street.

So, What's On This Series?

During this four-part journey, you’ll experience everything from how to escape the WORST OF THE WORST POSITIONS, to transitioning, and attacking. The ability to recover from a bad position and then become offensive is paramount to the real-life altercation. These important themes can be ADAPTED BY ANYONE and you’ll find basic jiu-jitsu as the staging area for this incredibly efficient blueprint for the street exchange.

Knight is a black belt under the legendary Royce Gracie and for years he’s been working to simplify the concepts of BJJ and self-defense to make them easily digestible and most importantly, EFFECTIVE FOR THE MASSES. With years of experience and focused study, Knight has opened the eyes of many to practical self-defense ideas, helping us VIEW OUR JIU-JITSU THROUGH A DIFFERENT LENS and ask ourselves if our skillset is proficient enough for the most unfavorable of conditions. Knight is a phenomenal teacher. He’s well spoken, clear and concise, and you’ll enjoy his practical NO NONSENSE APPROACH to this incredibly important aspect of training.

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:
Mount bottom positional considerations
Trap and roll
Elbow/ shrimp escape
Standing disengagement opportunities
Escaping the high mount
Establishing top mount positional considerations
Figure four from top mount
Straight armlock from top mount
Gift wrap from mount
Eliciting responses from top mount

Part 2:
Positional consideration back mount
Rear naked choke
Armlock from backmount
Reestablishing control from back mount
Escaping the back

Part 3:
Top side positional consideration
Mount transition from top side control
Figure four from top side control
Kimura from top side control
Side control knee belly positional considerations
Bottom side positional consideration
Guard replacement from Bottom side
Uphill escapes situations from bottom side
Headlock from side control

Part 4:
Top Closed guard positional consideration
Standing close guard pass
Low close guard pass
Standing open guard pass
Outside Heel hook from open guard
Closed guard bottom positional considerations
Pyramid Guard
Back take from guard
Straight armbar from the guard
Two on one swipe

So, What Does It All Cost?

Don’t ignore this important aspect of your training. No one likes to think about what could happen in this type of setting. There are many variables in a self-defense situation, but this doesn’t mean we can’t prepare ourselves to the best of our ability. This area of your training deserves your consideration! Let Knight walk you through this comprehensive series of vital self-defense situations and show you how to adapt accordingly, so you can keep yourself and your family safe, should the need ever arise!

We could have easily charged $147 or more for the series, but we’re not going to do that. We’ve cut that price by nearly 50% and brought you Position, Transition, and submission with Eli Knight for just:


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