Is any body howdt there?


The knew whirled relies on D&D type role play. Each player is an individual character with attributes and alignments, trying to make their weigh in an ever changing global fiction. Reality begins from human scale, by defining our goals in light of our talents.

The sum of all the parts has to be in balance. Products are made from the combination of reactants in solvents, with waist materials adding to our overall girth. The opera ain't over until a certain person sings.


There are some common realities that we find from within our journey across America that seem to be truisms with respect to current Amerikin life. The central focus is to have the largest screen available, centrally located, with full cable access and a myriad of dvd movies.

The list of movies is essentially the same as the weigh that the stores change position to each other in every city and town, yet they are the same stores no matter where you go. Beside the Walmart is a Dollar Tree, with Taco Bell and KFC on the flanks. Mass production cardboard food is readily available. The key is finding locals who trade discounts through the margins.

Photo credit to Disintegral.

They are watching us as different spectres, coming through the cloud atlas. Each symmetric image comes through in an elaborate array of feature; none quite the same like snowflakes just below freezing temperature. When we individually disconnect from the hive mind, we find that there is another there out there that we can get to if we orient differently.

The physical journey by no means takes place in a unique collation of microcosms within the same morphogenic field. The similar situations occur over and over, such that two paths become oriented with give and take. People never notice the footpath off to the side that takes off from video manifestation and provides a change ... the universe accommodates each one of us with exactly what we ask for, without uber interpretation.

Be simple, be happy and evolve in the knowledge that change has manifest and will take thyme to resolve. Balance your equations and track all the byproducts. It is what it is, whatsoever.


Bee well and remain calm.


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