
hello guys!! i am a new guy in steemit. u can call me Miras. How do i get started with steemit? Well, i went to a programme under a society which is KL SKETCHNATION and they explain me about this blockchain.

now, about myself. as you can see i use Miras Arts as my username. That art represent myself. i love art. more to drawing and designing. i start to build me my skills since i was 11 years old. I started to draw digitally when i was 18.
When I was 17, i won a first price of storyboard competition organized by OISHI. the prizes is two ticket to JAPAN for 4 days and 3 night.


after that i start to join a lot of art competition. but sky not always bright..sometimes i lost, sometimes i average, and sometimes i win..but that never put me down because i know, thats how life work. i keep going to join comic competiton and strip comic. even i didnt won it, but it was a new thing for me. at least i got to being finalist.


from that i can see that i have good potential in art, so i want to do more. Now i challenge myself to be an animator and now i am doing my study at this field,2D animation. i am not just learn the teory, but i also can practice it since i am study directly at animation studio itself. i learn a lot of new thing and meet awesome person. Now I can see that i am just a little bubble in a sea. those guy around me was more awesome and that make me want to be more like them. nah..nope like them..better than them!!


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