KIVA Loan Update: New Loan for Coffee and Cocoa Farming Peru


This is the official STEEM account for Team Steem on Raising awareness of KIVA and Team Steem, established by @stephen-somers founder of Team STEEM

This is the first loan supported in the new KIVA Team Steem account, there is a 1-2 week delay withdrawing the repaid loans credit from his personal KIVA account so @stephen-somers has personally funded the US$25 for this loan.

The Loan


See this loan on KIVA

A loan of $5,575 helps a member to maintain her cocoa and coffee plot.
Crediconfianza Group's story
Redina Ph her husband as a labourer in other plots sowing seeds, cleaning, among other activities.
Her greatest dream is to continue saving for the purchase of an agricultural land and increase the production to have more coffee and cocoa crops and offer quality products at a fair price.
Redina considers herself an enterprising and hard-working woman who wishes to continue getting ahead with her husband, to give the best to their children and to make sure they become professionals.
At present, she is requesting a Kiva loan to give maintenance to her agricultural plot, in order to avoid pests and obtain a better harvest, because every so often maintenance is required.
Redina belongs to the group "Crediconfianza" made up of 9 members, of which she is the representative. The group is in its 7th loan cycle and they are a responsible and hard-working group.
In this group: Redina Sabina, Nidia, Hilda, Aydee, Gloria, Esteher, Tibel, Isabel, Ruth Roxana

| Loan details | |
| - - | - - |
| Loan length: | 11 months |
| Repayment schedule: | Monthly |
| Disbursed date: | December 26, 2018 |
| Currency exchange loss: | Possible |
| Facilitated by Field Partner: | Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Microfinanzas Prisma (COOPAC MFP) |
| Is borrower paying interest? | Yes |
| Field Partner risk rating: | 2 Star |



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