Good evening, all hive friends.

Have a nice day and of course you can do the things you like and what you want wherever and whenever you want. On this occasion, of course, I am in good health and of course I can do the things that I like.

One of the things I really like is that on this occasion I want to share with my hive community friends, a photo of me and all the employees of the Aceh Syar'iyah Court office paying a visit to Mr. Drs. H. Jufri Ghalib SH., MH, former head of the Aceh Syar'iyah Court or the tragedy of the death of his wife Drs. Hj. Yuniar A. Hanafiah, SH, former high judge of the Aceh Syar'iyah Court.

In the afternoon at around 18:47 WIB yesterday when I was parking an official car in the garage and intending to go home, and a few minutes later one of my former office heads sent messages via personal WhatsApp with sad news.

“Innalillahi wa innailaihi raaji'un.”

One of these messages sent at 16:00 WIB. In the message, he said that one of the former judges and former head of the office where I worked had died. I, who heard this, am sorry for the death of one of the mothers of the former chairman. However, when someone is experiencing a disaster, the takziah tradition is carried out by attending and praying and this is a form of social empathy.

There is something interesting about the word takziah. Is takziah a tradition?
Or is Takziah really a part of culture?
Or even takziah is an obligation? Let's learn more about the history of takziah.
If we look at the meaning of 'Takziah' in terms of legal aspects and problems, the scholars agree that takziah is sunna for everyone, both men and women, small children and adults. The legal basis, among others, is the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad as narrated by Imam Ibn Majah and Iman al-Baihaki:
There is not a believer who pays tribute to his brother who gets a disaster, unless Allah SWT will clothe him with glory on the Day of Judgment.

Meanwhile, according to the term, takziah is ordering patience, comforting the deceased's family and being patient with something that can alleviate the misfortune they receive.
Thus it can be concluded that takziah is a form of empathy for someone in helping the burden of grief, such as coming directly to comfort and pray together.
On the one hand, this form of empathy also has the effect of patiently telling people who are affected by a disaster that they will be rewarded for their patience, and inviting them to be sincere and then pray for the deceased.

One of the forms of takziah is the words of Rasulullah SAW to one of his daughters who sent someone to him with news of the death of his child.
"Indeed, Allah is entitled to what he takes, for him what he has given, and everything has a certain end with Him. So be patient and save (the reward of your patience) with Allah."

I once read a journal about takziah, in that journal it was told that one of the generations of the Salaf wrote a letter of takziah for someone because of the death of their child. In his letter he said, from so and so bin so and so.
Best wishes to you.
I praise You, O Allah, there is no god who has the right to be worshiped except him.
May Allah increase your reward for giving patience and giving me and you the nature of gratitude, because actually from us, our assets, and our families are temporary gifts from Allah, and His loans will be taken.

May Allah give you pleasure in it all and take it from you in exchange for a great reward. Prayers, grace, and guidance you will get if you are patient.
Be patient and don't complain about earning your reward and making you regret later.
One of the generations of the Salaf wrote a letter to treat someone because of the death of their child.

In his letter, he said, "Know that complaints cannot revive those who have died and cannot drive away the sadness of what happened, let it happen, and may prosperity be upon you."
Regarding takziah among the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, in this case,

Inna lillahi ma akhaza wa lahu ma a'ta wa kulla syai'in 'Indahu ya bi ajalin musamma fal-tasbir wal-tahtasib

(Indeed, what he takes belongs to Allah, It is Him that He gives, and everything has its time determined by Him. So be patient and hope for the reward.)

This guidance is used as a guideline by the Ulama of the Hanafi School. On the one hand, the takziah should be carried out as necessary, meaning that after the takziah is finished, the person who has made the takziah and the family of the person who has passed away will return to do their own things.

Maybe this is all I can say to all hive friends and families who are in a disaster, be given patience and fortitude.

And to those who died Drs. Hj. Yuniar A. Hanafiah, SH may Allah accept his good deeds.

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