WHAT IS Kinesis?

is a blockchain application that protects financial securities without the need to store securities and giving confidence and credibility as it existed before with the gold standard, assets will be held with a high confidence index on their face value

who seeks to create kinesis?

who seeks to create kinesis?

seeks to create an "internationally fungible monetary system". 1 This system will negate the innate option for people to accumulate their cryptomoney, which they value on their conventional fiat currency and therefore do not wish to give up.

how does the monetary system of kinesis work?

the monetary system works through a regime of compensation, incentive and stimulation to the user. in which each currency emn relationship 1-1 will be backed by a gold or silver standard, as it was in the past and the same will be linked to a performance regime, where the owner promotes its commercialization.

the three main assets of kineis are

Tokens Kinesis backed by gold (KAU) and silver (KAG) ; the owners of the tokens own the ingots

Performance: Performance in the Kinesis system is created through spending instead of credit (loans) in the legacy system

Blockchain: an additional layer to reinforce the value storage that is already a hallmark of gold and silver, while also making the two assets liquid through digital media (enhancing their use as a medium of exchange)


what is the kinesis market strategy?

the network can be used by any user or asset. where there are 4 areas in which the organization expects to successfully break into the network

1- cryptomedical market
2 -Fiat money market.
3- gold and silver stock market
4- investment asset markets.

This is due to the fact that banks and institutions hold securities, which have the objective of accumulating the wealth of their holders. However, the value of these securities also depends on the economic and political stability of the country that issues them; in kenesis this factor does not affect the performance of the service.

the design of kenesis is based on

  • Overcome the volatility of cryptomonets as a reserve currency
  • Improve storage
    of value of the trust currencies
  • Collect the negative present value of bank account holdings worldwide
  • End the habit of governments of financing themselves by printing money and creating deficits
  • Eliminate the philosophy of centralized banking
  • Change the habit of people who store their gold, silver, cryptomoney, etc. "("good money")
  • Add interest income to physical assets such as gold, silver, property, etc.
  • Create a better performance system than that offered by credit/loan networks
  • Eliminate fraud and theft of asset-backed securities
  • Provide a digital over-the-counter (OTC) alternative for gold bullion markets
  • Provide entry points for small markets to list their physical assets in search of trading opportunities


how to trust kenesis?

A third-party audit and verification system of the ABX quality assurance framework is being used. ABX has been working in the bullion wholesale market since 2013 and has an excellent reputation . The Deutsche Borse Group is an additional partner that is one of the largest trading groups in the world and could provide instant clientele for the Monetary System and make it flow more easily.


Kinesis Currency Exchanges (KCX): a wholesale market where the currency is created and minted with the help of ABX, i.e. we have the capacity to give physical value to the currency.

Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN): the chain of blocks on which the set of Kinesis tokens is built, where you can not only obtain our crypto but also exchange them as it says in the following line.

Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE): a digital block chain currency exchange where tokens representing physical assets can be exchanged for other currencies or goods

Kinesis Financial Network (KFN): a mobile banking system where currencies can be used for savings, payments, remittances and money transfers; also includes Mastercard and Visa debit access, with no limitations on countries or banks.

Kinesis Commercial Center (KCC): an online aggregating platform of goods and services providers that accepts Kinesis tokens (KAG and KAU) as a payment method, which speeds up the commercialization of goods and services.

The Kinesis team uses the Stellar Network for its high transaction speeds and enhanced protocol security to facilitate spending at Kinesis Commercial Center (KCC). Each gold or silver pack or ingot will have a serial number attached to a metal refiner's identification stamp.

Kinesis users receive a financial reward based on their participation and overall speed.

Debt financing creates a system that continually devalues the currency it is using by inflating the prices of the goods that those currencies buy. as can happen with some currencies, and some banks.


MINTER PERFORMANCE: this system rewards users who create (coin) currency in the primary markets (by presenting gold/silver for the tokens) and spend it on secondary markets. it is a primary compensation regime that motivates value to the currency and transactions.


  • The Minters receive a proportionate share of the transaction fees as performance of the Kinesis coins.
  • The more coins are created, processed, or the faster the speed, the higher the yield, i.e., the greater the work of a miner on any platform.

Performance of the holder:
Provides a return on passive participation in the Kinesi currency while maintaining the currency

  • Designed to compete with bank deposits, stock dividend yields and rental property yields, it has a higher lending rate than banks.

Affiliate performance:
rewards users who refer new users

Depositor performance:
Applicable to the user's initial deposit directly into their Kinesis wallet

  • Encourages large initial deposits and additional use of the currency
  • Depositors receive a portion of the transaction fees as performance forever in the Kinesis currencies they purchased and used.
  • Higher speed equals higher performance.

Friends this way is how kenesis will change the world of cryptomoney, the assets and even the securities in metal pattern. Since they can not only acquire them at fair prices, but also can trade them on the platform without the need to transfer securities from one place to another.



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