Kid's Adventure

This is a story about Ozil's adventures hunting locusts

the front yard of the house became a hunting ground for grass-eating grasshoppers


the first question that came out of the mouth of the ozil when I met my uncle

"Uncle likes to catch grasshoppers?"
"Yes, I Like it"
"ozil loves playing with grasshoppers"

the conversation was continued by retesting

"does ozil know anything inside the home page?"

"Yes uncle"
"there are crocodiles, snakes, butterflies, dragonflies, small ants, boss ants, and grasshoppers"

Damn it, The farher make ekstreme story First.

"So baby, how you loved?"

exclamation loh uncle catch grasshoppers

"ok ozil will catch grasshoppers for uncle"


I think the statement is just a matter of fact, it turns out to be directly in front of me. ozil find locusts earnestly



and woow, incredible ozil managed to get the wooden locust (chocolate)


uncle before going home, ozil will catch a beautiful dragonfly. I hesitate, so do not really care and I focus on talking to the father ozil about how can he be taught how to catch grasshoppers

"This is his dragon uncle"
it's very fast, amazing

Ok Thanks Ozil, I was great Story, I hope at you grow up, you understand.

we live in the same world as animals that are also alive

so hopefully the adult ozil cricket will show love for the animals but not catch them, just pay attention to their lives

"Uncle, I love animal"


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