Kicked-Out Series: The Greenhouse Effects Coffeeshop in Amsterdam

A while ago,

I told you about the Greenhouse Effect coffeeshop and how I never had a problem with them besides the weird and aggressive bouncer who sometimes has a shift there and kicked me out for not buying a coffee.

The owner paid me for my entertainment once and respects me so after the bouncer didn't work there for a while I felt groovy and good again to spend my money there. Until the day the coercionist grabbing nightmare psycho bouncer from hell was back.

It was a sunny day. At least I felt good and actually don't remember the weather. I bought a joint as always and went to the back and sat in the comfortable soft chair writing a nice post.

Suddenly someone tipped my shoulder from behind and there he was again. I said: 'Not again!', already knowing that he would in one way or another go berserk on me another time. And he did. He told me that I was not allowed to be there and that I should immediately leave. This was months after he did that the first time and I was at least 30 times there afterwards.

So I packed my things and as I walked by the woman who worked behind the bar I asked her why the bouncer would kick me out. No reaction. The other man who worked at the grass and hash bar in the front of the shop - maybe the manager - appeared and said: 'Because you are not nice!'.

The bouncer grabbed my arm really hard and said that if I wouldn't leave he would do some violence to me and pushed me out although I didn't resist and walked by my own. Outside he puffed up in front of me obviously looking for a fight so I said: 'You really want to fight me on the street? I am fighting with words, not like you, aggressive man!'.

He looked down on my shoes and was shocked. My shoes were 30 euros more expensive than his which must have surprised him.


Behind him was a tourist who spoke to me that I should stop and pointed at his wife who was pregnant. He said that she is pregnant and I told him that he is talking to the wrong guy. That I didn't do anything and that he should tell the bouncer instead to stop. However, I walked away and again was kicked-out for nothing.

Why, why, why dear owner of the shop? Is this man a part of your family or somehow otherwise non-replaceable that you must employ him so he can scream and grab people for his joy? I talked later to a friend who was a bouncer once and he told me that I should forget it because bouncer guys like that one would not comprehend words.

These kind of people always get physical as a reaction to words because they are wired different and that there isn't much what one can do against them. They are just a different kind of animal.

I was happy that he said that. Still, I have to update my coffeeshop rating to a -1000. Never ever in my life I will visit this shithole where the owner is not taking action against abusive personal. Is it really necessary to let him work there? A place where peaceful people smoke a bit and then out of the blue have to deal with terror?

I let this happen to me once but not twice. I recommend, for now because you never know what the future will bring, the shop next door called Greenplace. The personal is chill and actively giving the people a good time. Why go to a place less nice when there is a better alternative just 50 meters away?

To the owner I want to say: Do you even know what this guy is doing? If no, please upgrade your intel, if yes, then our good relationship has ended!

What should I do in this case? Going to the police and make a report? I could never proof that he grabbed me while I was cooperating and following his orders. The whole shabang with the court et cetera, no thanks.

Fire this man and I might return one day. Or actually, since I watched the woman who works there yelling at an Italian who didn't say please when he ordered and then telling me that they all are like that and have no manners - while showing no manners herself - is enough for me to say: Never again!

To remind myself to never go there again as well as never recommend this shop to the hundreds of listeners I have in a week who are looking for a good shop I am writing this post.

P.S.: I told someone about what 'the manager' replied why he kicked me out and he started laughing and said that I am the nicest guy he knows. Of course I am getting loud when unfairness hits people around me or myself. It's called courage.

A Shla Rafia Kicked-Out Post 2017

Image: Pixabay

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