Benson and Roy


Four days left in Alaska. Benson is the one holding a penny, and Roy has the jewel. Today the four of us all took a Sunday drive together, and yes it was literally a Sunday drive. The plan had been to leave Benson in a random place but we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it. Kiarga found him one year ago sitting on a railing by the front door of the public library in Garberville, California. His tail was missing and his face looked downright goofy for the ferocious t-rex that he supposedly is.

The story with Roy starts in a yardsale box marked "free", or at least the story with Roy and us begins there. It is absurd how useful all the items in that free box have been, and Roy was the bonus. Salyha found the jewel on the ground one day while she was working downtown. Kiarga took a tube of glue from the free box and glued it to Roy's back. Our time with Roy has about come to an end since he's included with the truck, which is for sale, and which better sell soon since our flight leaves any day.

Pictured, Benson and Roy wait while we hike up a graffiti-filled cliff, along a forested gravel path that follows the ridge of a small hill. The path ends at a humming mobile phone tower, when a family of four all riding their own four wheelers pass us. The edge of civilization just hasn't been far enough. It's soon time to explore the edge of civilization in the opposite hemisphere. So long and thanks for all the Internet access.

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