Ukrainian conductor Yuri Kerpatenko reportedly killed for refusing to cooperate with Russian occupation authorities

Yuri Kerpatenko
Image: The Guardian


Yuri Kerpatenko, a Kherson-based musician and the principal conductor of the Chamber Orchestra "Gileya" of Kherson Philharmonica, was reportedly recently executed by the Russian occupation authorities in the city. He was likely a thorn in their side from the start as he held a strong pro-Ukrainian position and made that quite public. The last straw was his alleged refusal to take part in the 1 October show concert the Russians were trying to organize.

This action is typical of desperate tyrannical regime. It also shows the immense power of "no", Yes, they could kill him. No, they could not get him to do their bidding. That too is very telling.

Russian troops kill Ukrainian musician for refusing role in Kherson concert
Charlotte Higgins and Artem Mazhulin, The Guardian, 16 October 2022

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