Kathara grid Elongated Hexagon shape spotted in Star Trek Ds9 with ferengi Quark on Screen with alien symbol codes.

Thats one of the most obvious kathara grids ive seen! i see this shape all over scifi, and i just started cataloging them over the last year, here's some recent ones. I may have to start the keylontic science tribe and pay people kathara token for finding kathara grids in scifi and popular culture


Dr Strange


Captain Marvel, jude law's KREE soldier uniform has kathara grids and so does Iron man and new spider man suit... in similar places too....


see iron man also has these kathaar grid shapes

HAHAH also in captain marvel saw it again


And in Thor Ragnorak... (I started seeing Kathaar grids or stretched hexagrams EVERYWHERE in Startrek and now marvel movies. My Apophenia is turned up so high


THOR ragnorak..


this is getting crazy right?

the same movie, just a few seconds later, in the same ending credits more kathaar grids, sci fi LOVES kathara grids which is amazing as they are supposedly the building blocks of life according to keylontic science an alien symbol code language ufo group,

Imagine this all put into a video game where you create a massive ball of kathara grids like a honeycomb structure,

like the grids Rocket and Yondoo fly through in guardians of the galaxy 2

Confused/ lol just come to keylontic Science Discord https://discord.gg/pSTE9hb

I will eventually bring more Keylontic Science people in here + follow @keylontics

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