Before I start posting my School Essays on Steem, heres my Rantings on mughat's discord which led me to realize I MUST start paying existing steem developers like jesta & pharesim to TRAIN other users to create mobile apps. Then i realized it wont work

So 1. I need to start using my existing steem to PAY users like @pharesim to create a steeminvite tool for mobile, just in
case hardfork20 account creation takes another year, and/or if that isnt needed because hf20 "blockchain subsidized account creation" is almost done, then offer to pay @jesta a few thousand dollars worth of steem to HELP TRAIN users to START the work of building a Vessel wallet app for Mobile just as an experiment to get all the students to build something useful with the teacher, just to have App Ownership just like home ownership, and create some pride in our userbase and get some to be trained in some cybernetic vocations to at least train with the master masons who build the castles, because not everyone can be an app developer, but we do need more specialized users who help do the stone and wood work and blah blah blah theres all sorts of jobs but we need to be honest about how not EVERYONE is going to be a "Blogger" not everyone is going to be a developer, people need to settle into BRAND new professions that are just appearing, and its like trying to grab onto a ghost, but we WILL create those ghost gloves and grab those ghosts!

  1. Maybe we dont need new apps so whatever but here is a bunch of crazy rants, i left on poor @mughat 's discord because i saw it was lacking activity so i BLASTED it with manic writings. But hey no one else is talking about this stuff and pitching ideas, weneed more people to throw out ideas and less people shooting them down, we need to have actual leadership and be given FRAMEWORK for when different things are going to be coming out, like come on we allknow we were supposed to get account creation fix, so if we DONT have that yet MAYBE we can just watch ackza power down what little steem he has and pay @pharesim to make us an invite system! Pharesim is an experienced blockchain developer, who created the decentralized Horizon Exchange platform, and he created steeminvite. So I need to actually pay him for his valuable time and make steeminvite hf20 compatible.. and its not his fault steemit inc keeps things secretive JUST like the CIA and Military, compartmentalizing everything, JUSt as I tried to WARn everyone... , all faucets were effected by HF20 and so now people have to go in and do work to make them work again, and we NEED steeminvite we NEED it, we need a gmail invite style system like gmail used to have AHHH its so frustrating, I have had multiple people basically turn steem down when they find out how complicated it is just to create an account! Steem WILL die if we let it, its not a magical system that is to be kept alive no matter what, Ned is ONE man and what happens if, God Forbid, something happens to him and he disappears? We would all be fucked and you know it! Ned needs to let more people into Steemit inc and fix the problems we are all complaining about, arent we in BETA testing mode? Isnt BETA testing all about listening to the users who are struggling with a shitty project? Seriously the word shitty is accurate because steemit inc just shits things out and doesnt care! ANYWAY excuse my French but we have a serious problem with leadership just like @sircork found out by trying to challenge ned.... i wish i could say ned does hard work for us behind the scenes but he doesnt! He just coasts along and watches movies and youtube all day! My anger at him is a collective hivemind anger and the CIA is very angry at Ned for his laziness!

we are all waiting for @ned to do his magic UI account creation system for "onboarding normies"

ANYWAY here is the rant i posted on @mughat 's discord

Before i start posting my Essays i HAVE to rant more or the AI wont be able to Scan my consciousness in as well as if I was just another 5% Jerry. Seriously what does Ned do that distinguishes him in this world besides inheriting his Daddy's Top secret CIA program Project Xanadu?

when i apply for my grants i am just going to really hammer down the charity aspect and just mention how this system is already being used for social media but its a blockchain so its like over kill, all this academic and technological power being used for nothing special .......just blogging and travel photos...... so IMAGINE when a smart university trying to make a name for itself in the blockchain world, decides to be a leader and actually experiment with pumping a steem account with a LOT of steempower to be able to actually LEAD and hammer out a TEMPLATE a STANDARD
Fyrtsikken is trying to create standards for witnesses with sircork and sircork keeps just going off into social philosophical things and we ned more technocrats and we can bring in SIgma6 thinking to the blockchain and also REALIZE steem is MEANT for medical and pyschological and academic use cases...
School is PERFECT for a complicated annoying system like steem.... school students especially in college always have to deal with slow bureaucratic stuff, university are notorious for systems like this, IMAGINE when we have schools using steem and actually getting into it and realizing they can make steem their own .... theres no welcome signs in steem no one talking about how you can make your own thing ... your OWN chain your own system, your own social network that you control, schools have been waiting for that, facebook was originally for schools
but then no one cared about schools after facebook became a public thing and not just for schools, i remember when facebook was just for universities and i got a special exclusive facebook account because of my university email, that was an interesting time, i grew up with the internet, so i am the result of what happens when you grow up with internet world wide web, and so i will be studied for Mars missions, and space colonies, like elon musk talkin about using gamers for mars missions, or was t the military whatever
We will need people who are happy with being isolated in rooms, as long as they have amazon style lockers with products onboard hahahahaha so they will get to EARN their toys so they can show them off on youtube "unboxing in space" videos
But in a multi generational space ship we will see the children of those people find out about the toys locked up and find ways to hack them, like an intelligence test, its just like movies and video games and software, anti piracy was a moral slipper slope, because its so hard to justify locking people out of all the wonders of humanity just because they ended up with no money, so you couldnt stop information and bit torrents are still always going to be free and open due to people outside the western copyright scam system, i have a big problem withthe whole intellectual property system but when the quality IS GOOD enough THEN EVERYONE respects the system its a funny phenominon
if a movie has good street cred and people know about how difficult a movie was to make then people want to buy it, and also if a movie is any good it has clips on youtube, i dunno i feel like ive been spoiled and know too much, but knowing what I know its like, how can any child be denied the akashic records the library of Alexandria that we kind of virtually all have access to ......... the solution is some age discrimination with biometrics and allowing all children free viewing of any movie or tv show they would want to study, a global education system that bill and melinda gates foundation could get behiund
yes yes! i bet you anything Bill and Melinda Gates foundation could be persuaded into investing in steem .... they invested in my highschool growing up gave millions and millions to do a bunch of experimental stuff splitting our school into 6 schools.... i bet we could submit all sorts of proposals but i want to get steemians in developing countries to do all teh work.. im going to publish all my old school essays on steem
I realized that most of the people in developing countries just have no idea how to write and dont know about simple things like Outlines, and having 3 parts like a claim and a warrent the synthesis of ideas just even simple ideas like citing and using a source, seethey all just trail off into mystical Thanlk you notes to God and act like it was just God who gave them money here 9on steem, theres no ownership its all just a mystical game now
People spnd all their money on imaginary steem monster cards, and im going to call it right now, no one will play steem monsters.... you cant just invent a fun game, you have to use an existing system that peopel enjoy playing BUT Anyone can fork steem monsters its all just part of the blockchain and they DID accumulate 1 million dollars already, which is insane, so i hope aggroed actually hires some qualified peopel with that money and doesnt just try tokeep hiring from withinbecause that doesntw ork, weneed private sector people, steem is reeking of public sector mediocrity and its just like the us federal government that5s what it reminds me of now
ackzaToday at 10:47 AM
Anyway i hope some competent peopel are hired for steem monsters.... anyway i should go get back into keeping up with EOS... I can actually feel interested in EOS dropping as i stopped posting about it, theres a lot of people who dont understand how the world works and you cannot just fork EOS, any fork of EOS will keep working with EOS, and its the end game, eos is the singularity and the AI is already working behind the scenes taking out large companies, controlling the media, i can totally see AI learning all the nasty behaviour of humanity to monopolize all human activity and then reset it all onto EOS, but its still like 5 to 10 years away for this system to work, where you just get people into big parties and switch service economy to massive amusement parks and raves, get everyone to let their gaurd down and just slowly take over the entire planet using existing systems, no nanotech or mind control needed... no robots just ideas... one final app to rule them all.... people download apps when the news and their friends tell them to, when Kim kardashian starts using an app, millions follow... when kanye west makes his own SMT and doesnt even understand steem he just sees all the good stuff steem has done, THEN we ride the wave of success..... we can crowd surf on a sea of humanity but we need that Open SOurce Utopian io Steem App that was promised... THAT APp , if it has the functionality of Jestas Vessel wallet, it would do so much good for us.... i might even just power down to PAY someone like Pharesim to create a steem invite app and pay Jesta to help create Vessel for SMartphone with an included browser..
. i wonder if they would at least START the project in the spirit of open source if I paid them a few thousand dollars, i know dveelopers get paid WAY more, but thats all i can afford so maybe they will START the project or maybe someone else can be TAUGHT by Jesta to help m,ake something just like vessel for mobile , with pharesim 's Steeminvite tool... i bet if i powered down to pay for that stuff, big whale steemians like Johal or therising and others would give me those big upvotes i needed to recoop losses, i think thats one of the only ways to get this d0ne in a bear market.... i will go post this into a steem post now and ask jesta and pharesim @jesta @pharesim i can only ask them if i can pay them to train some other people to START the process of a mobile app....
Yes let everyone know, i will power down a few thousand dollars worth of my steempower in order to pay pharesim for a steeminvite app, and pay jesta to help INITIATE the process of creating a Vessel wallet style mobile app.... i KNOW we can train a whole TRAIn full of Fresh Developers all over the world, to Open the doors to actually creating apps for steem, demystifying the process ... i need to go post job listings on craigslist Gigs

Never forget, Dancing is to Trap Fallen Angel Spirits into human bodies like batteries, and then we exhale all the creative energy out as inverted entropy.

Dont forget about Dr Atomic and building Mormon Castles on the Moon

And Mecca Seems to be one of many Black Cubes, we should build them all into one big Video Game where every religion has a blockchain and you get Upvotes by Priests and Imams to make spiritually visually aesthetically pleasing art celebrating these structures, all we can do is build and build and why not, lets make building cool again, make it cheap, get the 3d printing technology going, I dont want to see people building things like animals, all humans should be relaxing and letting the AI do all the hard work so the Ai proves itself

Look at this great Visual Vision Board I created, to show the way to time travel and the future perfected capitalist system of full employment of humanity using steem and inflation combine the two find synergy, replace the Central banks printing press with crypto faucets and steem and EOS will be used by governments. But seriously look at my image!

That above image shows you all you need to know for today about the Looking Glass, the Orion Cube which we will mass produce as Rubicks Cubes, the coming black hole metatronic physics that will end up with Atlantean death star merkabah mechanics, the opposite of the krystic ascension mechanics we need.... it takes longer and is harder work, but we can accelerate it with making an ascension game by putting the works of Ashayana deane into a VR game... and make Movies and ANIME out of Voyagers I and II, and the Hidden History of the different ET races, and their physical bodies and soul groups, its the greatest story never told and the story of Jesus and other ascended masters are going to mesh into a great sci fi story like starwars and startrek and stargate and starship troopers all combined and we will find ourselves in the middle of one big Dragon Ball Z style game where OUR job is to sit in front of computers and actually manage society, well, that is if you made it this far

We opened up Pandoras Box... now we need "out of the box" thinking. Pandora syndrome is something people experienced after watching the movie Avatar, people got mentally ill wanting to go live on that planet, and I think there are some serious people with cybernetic implants controlling humanity and they are using viruses to age people and whoever lives a good life gets to live longer and look better and those who do bad things end up with health problems... i can totally see a neofuedal system like that having already happened and we MAY just be living inside a massive puzzle.

I can totally see a future where reptilians test human children to see who can solve a rubicks cube puzzle faster, and that getting extrapolated onto larger systems like using the stars as one giant rubicks cube as a way to look for the reptillian homeworld that was lost since Alex Collier said the reptillians were dumped here from another dimension, and maybe they lost access to their own history and need our genetics to figure something out about where they came from, and we can ascend reptillians to a higher dimension and it will be like taking psychedelics and they will want to help Humanity, or maybe its like trump talking about the snake i dunno, should we help? Well the way I saw it when i was watching ESP Network, ESPN for "sports" I saw the Black people as Anunaki and Whites as Reptillians... and Football was a way to work together and the metric system vs our Imperial system is some sort of trick where an Imperial Inch grows larger than the metric centimeter, and maybe we are literally just growing larger and larger and taking more territory on the subatomic level, maybe we are racing to see how LARGE a human body should be? Maybe there are Super Earths with Super BEings haha that may not work thermo dynamically as I have heard of large tall ETs needing canes and other shorter ETs to help them, seems like human form at this size is the best for this Earth BUT what if we are supposed to be larger on bigger planets? What if CERN already opened up a large black hole at the north pole and they use HAARP and bluebeam projectors to cover it up, and what if we are simultaneously living on multiple Earths at once? What if we were all shrunken down into a domed galaxy like in Men in Black, like Downsizing, and our brightest strongest human being is being trusted with holding our world inside his body as the family jewels? What if the X wing in Starwars is just the Sperm and the death star the Egg we must all fertilize? What if the Moon is full of ancient alien technology we can all use and make money off of? What if our entire point is not to make our own tech but to reverse engineer ET tech? We shouldnt call Ets fallen angels, thats racist, we are fallen, and we have been given this safety net called Earth, which seems to catch us, its "rock bottom"

Anyway I have way too many thoughts that keep me up at night but apparently this guy does too

@j1337 seems creative and onto the same line of thinking i am on... I encourage him to make more vision boards with memes and just tie together as much as you can.

Oh and remember, hahah i wrote this whole thing as a way to vent my frustration at there being no way to sign people up instantly to steem... steemit inc being as closed and private as the government, and how the CIA should just admit it is controlling @steem and @steemit accounts either directly or indirectly... whats the point in keeping secrets anymore, are we all seriously going to war game forever? How about a Race War game? How about we get serious about colonizing the moon and mars and start using government NASA money to fund music videos, do it right and actually just ask famous hip hop producers to simply include space x and nasa symbolism in videos, just go all out, its not that difficult, i just wonder, maybe this world doesnt deserve a round planet maybe this planet does deserve to be flat and "domed" or 'doomed" hah, its like hell, if people wont listen to me and do what i say, I may as well just create whatever I want and just make animations making fun of ned making him look dumb, hey thatd be fun right?

Why should i even bother paying my own money to fund an App for steem ... i shouldnt bother jesta or pharesim i bet they are very disenchanted with steem as well

why not just focus all my energy on EOS and wait for people on EOS to build evrything we were waiting for on steem, and the way EOS interblockchain communication works will allow us to just use all our old steem posts and steempower and just work on EOS

Honestly whats the point of steem anymore, theres no leaders or cool people left everyones moved onto EOS.... i feel like im the only one left who has any vision left for steem to be anything other than a system for games wit "Mana" from heaven ... how arrogant of ned seriously how arrogant... i hope ned realizes his hundreds of millions of FAKE dollars arent actually REAL he cant actually flip that and take that money out and spend it... ned doenst really have that money, hes just a worker bee for us, all the parallel neds on other dimensions are all being lame and lazy, except for the ONE TRUE ned which we will use to replace our lame duck ned

We will use the Time Machine looking glass device at area 51 and transmute our ned with the ONE TRUE ned, aka Dan larimer, and we will go BACK to a fork of Earth where Dan never left steem or where he left on better terms... imagine that!

ned will never be dan larimer... he just doest have it in him... Dan is an extra terrestrial soul like Elon Musk and im sorry but regular humans are just not ready to be creator Gods in the cyberspace realm.

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