Meal Prep Misadventures: Broodles and "Rendered" Ham


Broodles - Broccoli Noodles - are my response to the news that some people were snapping the stalks off of their broccoli before purchase. Now, I absolutely abhor waste, so I invented these.

  1. Remove florets from broccoli
  2. Render the stalk to be pointy


Place in spiralizer pointy-end first and turn into noodles. Prepare as you will.

Cook the florets as soon as possible because letting them bide for too long was the end of my plans for broccoli.

The next one is the direct result of us having lots of vac-bags of stringy, stringy ham from last Christmas in the freezer. There was a solid layer of this stuff much like the K-T boundary in archeology. Nobody wanted to eat it so I thought, "Maybe if I cooked this sous vide for a long time, I might soften the tendons."

Which I did. Lots of vac-packed ham in the slow cooker overnight resulted in things that looked like this:


Now... I'm one of those obscene gremlins for whom the yellow-brown pectin-loaded stuff is mana from heaven. I remember it fondly from the tinned ham of my childhood. So I blessed it and called it "extra gravy". Your personal tastes may be different and that's okay.

Every packed meal contained at least three different vegetable concoctions, and one serving of meat. Variety is the spice of life.

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