Cooking With Chaos: Keto ANZAC Biscuits


These lovely delicious lumps come care of the internet and a genius chef who figured it all out for us in advance. We replaced the nuts in the recipe for macadamias, the world's most keto-friendly nut.

Miss T read the recipe and the parentals pitched in with all the heavy lifting. This included smashing the macadamias so they were closer to 'sliver' size and roughly analogous to the original rolled oats.


[The flour mess was from the bread I baked the other day. Cleaning it up waited until after everyone in the family was done with all their baking.]


Weighing the butter is much easier when one owns a kitchen scale. For your amusement, we were unclear about what to do with our sweetener [we replaced the xylitol with stevia that we have in sachet form] and accidentally poured it in with the flour instead of attempting to caramelise it in the butter.


For the record, it takes 16 teaspoons to make a third of a cup. Google is your friend.

Regardless of our errors, we still produced a mouldable dough. Like... you could roll this out and make "gingerbread people" out of this stuff.


Using a tablespoon measure, we scooped out even portions of the mix, and then had to dislodge it with a digit. The result - crescent lumps.


Miss T enjoyed squishing them into flatter bikkies.


The Verdict:

Miss T thinks they're rather bland, but I enjoy snacking on them from time to time. They're a very dry biscuit, so I doubt decay will reach them any time soon. We'll see if any survive to reach the classroom.

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