Anko Losing Spina Spondy Ill Itis ~ A Latin Puzzle that is my body

This past weekend has changed my life.

I took a dose high enough of Ketamine that sent me into the Spirit World and began to heal my body by restoring what I can only describe as "Tension" back to my spine. It made me think of the myth "Gargoyles", of a stone body coming to life. Which led me to spending all weekend translating English into Latin, Hebrew, Greek, and then back into English.


Ankolosing Spondillitis = The Still spine becomes rigid (stiff) and sick or

Spina Rigida Tensio est Amissa = A Stiff spine has lost its tension

Ketamine Tensio Addiucit ad Spinam = Ketamine brings tension to the Spine

Ketamine Est Cura Tensio Reducere ad Spinam Rigidam = Ketamine is the Cure to bring Tension back to the Spine



I am Tri-Racial with DNA from the Mediterranean, and Latin says Ketamine may be a "Vitamin". Vitam = Give Life.

Like I said, it was a weird week and I feel like I can read Latin fluently after my body started to heal.

"A Spina Amissis Tensio Infirmatur" = A Spine Losing Tension See Hospital.

~Gunslinger Host of The Lunacy System

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