Kensington Palace and London Zoo

I spent one day racing from Kensington Palace to the Zoo and somewhere along the way I managed to lose most of the digital photos I ttok. Miraculously enough I managed to retained a few and here they are for posterity.

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Kensington palace is huge as you can imagine with acres and acres of well manicure grounds as well as a park with large pond in close proximity. It may be all the same place, I’m not sure but is sure was big. The day I stopped by a good portion of the place was under construction and I couldn’t find my way in to much of it. The little I did see was full of what to me are historical pieces like centuries old chairs, tables and art as well as hand carved wood statues, myriad marvels of craftsmanship. It was rather dark as well as I believe much of it was shut down to the public as you can tell but at least I can say I went. I did find a souvenir store at the conclusion of the tour and grabbed some chocolate to verify I was there. The Duke and Duchess live there now I believe and the remodeling is certainly complete by now. A great place to set up shop if you’re a royal I imagine.

Well, the same thing is true for my trip to the zoo. The interstign part was I got off at the wrong bus stop but had a map in my hand so I was trying to navigate my way though the city criss cross. As luck would have it I struck up a conversation with a couple who also happened to be headiing in the same direction and the wife ussed her phone to make the trip quicker. GPS is a tremendous help I have to admit.

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I purchased my ticked and walked in for a power tour. Therewere of course monkeys giraffes,tigers, hippos, elephants and everything you’d expect to see at a zoo.

I have been to several zoos in the past like the one in Berlin and also Detroit, Michigan and the one in London was exceptional. Too much to see in a short trip and I came in after noon so I managed to spend a few hours roaming around. The monkeys were noisy as you can imagine as were the birds. I walked in to the aviary display and watched all the birds in their splendor flitting about. I wish I had more but perhaps I’ll return some other time. The zoo was great if you have the chance, drop by.

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