The Deadbeat Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton

I'm about to hold a rally in Austin, TX in an effort to make the deadbeat AG of Texas Ken Paxton lose reelection in November, but before I get into details, I probably need to back up and give SteemitLand an explanation as to why anyone here would even care to continue reading, since I am still new to this. Most of my 130,000 followers are still stuck in the YouTube/Facebook mentality. I am actively (admittedly) working on my own brain reprogramming.


Five years ago, my son Parker (then 14) didn't want to go back to his mother's house when it was my court ordered time to return him to his mother. I knew that I'd be held in contempt if I simply didn't return him, so I drove all four of my kids back to their mother's house, as I had done a thousand times. The younger three got out and went in her house, but Parker remained in my passenger seat. He refused to get out. I sat in the driver's seat with my camera on and for 72 minutes, I recorded a battle. The video is still to this day going viral on my YouTube Channel. Once DTube will take such lengthy videos, I'll have it there as well.

Fast forward, Parker came to live with me that day after the cops said we were free to go. Fast forward some more, I was sentenced to 60 days in jail for not beating the shit out of my son and forcing him out of the car. Fast forward 4 years, his little brother Blaine was in the same goddam boat... he wanted to live with me and the answer was an unequivocal "no". So, as predicted, I got sued yet again for full custody, but this time I actually won. And again, all of this is documented on my YouTube channel and Facebook page. I was awarded primary custody of Blaine and was also awarded to receive child support (which I didn't ask for, nor did I want it).

That happened on July 21, 2017. A month went by and I still wasn't able to get my signed papers from the judge and it was because the OAG hadn't returned the necessary paperwork to my lawyer. I didn't think anything about it since, we are talking about the family court system which is legendary famous for being slower than the finale of Game of Thrones.

Two months goes by and still nothing. Three months. In the mean time, I quit paying "child support" because I was waiting for the paperwork. December 2017 rolls around and we still don't have the damn paperwork from the AG. Suddenly, my bank account got frozen. About $4,000 was seized by the OAG right before Christmas, making AG Ken Paxton my personal Grinch.

Present day, 10 1/2 months later, still nothing. A little birdie told me that I had been targeted and my latest statement form the OAG was that I now owed ("owed") over $25,000 in child support. My options were, A) bend over and take it up the ass like most people do, or B) fight back.

Being an Alpha male and a libertarian who had been watching Adam Kokesh videos for many years (Adam is now a personal friend of mine), I obviously have decided to fight back.

Sooooo, on July 21, 2018, the one year anniversary of Judge Sarah Kate Billingsley awarding me primary of Blaine, I am asking as many people as possible to join me on the steps of the Texas capitol in Austin, TX at 8am as I attempt to do 1,000 pushups in an effort to bring awareness of how corrupt the deadbeat AG of Texas, Ken Paxton is.

This isn't an angry, tiki torch-wielding protest, rather a celebration of our alleged right to peacefully assemble and peacefully protest assholes like AG Ken Paxton. If you are a victim of the TX AG or know somebody who is, I'm asking you to please send this link to them so that they may show up and show their support of a Texas father who has been fighting the crooked family court system for 11 years. I was given the name NotoriousDAD in jail, so I ran with it and now use the hashtag #NotoriousDAD. You can find my plethora of media about the rally via #PushPaxtonOut and #PaxtonForPrison

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