Kavanaugh Hearings & Hearings On Social Media Censorship Demonstrate How Republicans Run Interference For Commie Democrats

If you have ever wondered or still have questions as to whether establishment Republicans in DC are running interference for Communist Democrats, then let me put to bed any doubts you may have. The clearest example came during the hearings to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in the Senator and the questioning of Jack Dorsey in a House Committee meeting. The difference in how Republicans handled those of the "opposition" in the Kavanaugh hearings and how they handled a journalist, Laura Loomer, who asked serious questions rather than playing softball with Twitter's Jack Dorsey, a promoter of pedophilia, says volumes.

As you watch the videos, think WWE.

First, take a look at a few outbursts that occurred during the hearing.

There was more, listen to all the hoopla going on in the background. Notice how Republicans do nothing regarding the outburts.

While Democrats lose their minds over Brett Kavanaugh, the real concern with Kavanaugh is his withholdings on the Second Amendment, Roe v. Wade and most concerning is his involvement in the coverup of the Vince Foster murder. Yes, it was a murder.

Now, take a look when investigative reporter Laura Loomer, who earlier this week went after Rep. Keith Ellison over the police reports and claims of two women who accused him of abuse, both verbal and physical.

When the hearing attendees were engaging in nonsense softball questioning of Jack Dorsey during a House committee hearing, Loomer stood up and began asking questions of her own.

However, instead of being heard, Rep. Billy Long (R-MO), a good for nothing representative, launched into auctioneer mode to silence Loomer's questioning. Forget for a moment that Long was interrupting with his nonsense and not called out of order.

He was merely running interference in the matter to keep real questions from being answered in the matter. Perhaps he would do much better auctioneering than representing.

And how did people in the room respond to Long's smug response to Laura Loomer? They laughed and clapped!

Here is a man who is supposed to be a representative of the people, but seeks to shut down serious questioning regarding Twitter's CEO, something that he will not do because he is not a true representative of the people, but a joke, like many on the committee with him.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. All of the Russian investigation, these hearings about social media censoring and the Kavanaugh hearings are nothing but a dog and pony show. The establishment is going to do what they want, the Constitution and the people be damned! No justice will be brought to anyone and the machinery of tyranny will continue because the people, for the most part, are mad but not mad enough to do anything but vote for a party line, not bring about resolve, as our forefathers did. The people are more entertained than anything with American politics.

And for all the writing we do on any of this, no one is going to bring justice and no one is going to do the right thing. If that is your hope. If your hope is in the congressman, a senator or a president, then you are under an incredible delusion. And yes, the Republicans bear as much responsibility in their do nothing attitude as the Democrats do in their advancement of Marxism.

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