The circle of life - Karma

Few months ago if you would have asked me whether do I believe in KARMA? My straight forward answer would have been a firm NO. But things are different...............

There is always a fight between my heart and my mind, a sort of tug-of-war on which one side lies my heart and the other side lies my mind, and in between lies the word "KARMA".

My heart always says that there isn't anything such as karma. To which my mind answers KARMA never ends, and is a vicious circle which is never ending, in-exhaustible.

For those who don't know what KARMA is, its a vicious circle in which we get what we give. It's also know the circle of our life or the circle of our deeds. Whatever we do in our life, the goods, the evils, etc we all receive it back in some form or the other.

People normally tend to do good deeds, charity, social service etc in order to have a peaceful and calm circle of life. To an extent I used to believe all this few months back, but today you can say my mind has won over my heart. YES I do believe in KARMA totally, and act accordingly so that my future life circle might show some improvement.

By now you must have guessed that I am having a very torrid time in my life, day to day activities and everything that I routinely do. Nowadays everything seems so negative and bad, even things that used to seem positive nowadays seems very uncomfortable and negative.

To be frank I was very evil few years back and never thought I would ever be caught for the evil/bad things that I did, but I really feel that the wrong things that I've done in the past are haunting me and I'm facing the bad phase of the karma circle.

My life is so much messed up that even I myself don't know what to do and how to escape this bad phase, maybe doing something good may rescue me out of this phase.

Faced a torrid time at work place, but I do believe in my heart very much and my heart says there is no such word as KARMA and the only word my heart knows is GOD and I have always placed my full trust in him and he will surely rescue me as soon as possible.

That doesn't mean I deny the fact of karma, its a tug-of-war which no one can win, neither the heart, neither the mind.

And no escape the circle of life, if someone is doing bad to you he enters your circle of life and he's a part of it and he too will face bad if he has done something bad to you. So don't worry if anyone comes into your life to spoil it, just remember he/she too has a circle of life and even your a part of it in the good side.

Never harm anyone, and never let the balance of the circle of life shift, change is always constant and its true whether its good time or bad time it has to pass-by.

One thing that I've learned over this torrid period of life is that we should never give up and try to turn the tables and do good deeds so that the future circle of life would be very positive and non-harming.

Never do bad things to people, and if they do bad things to you just remember one thing that they enter your karma circle and they will definitely have their share of luck or bad-luck.

Many of you will agree to me and many wont agree too, but this is what I felt about KARMA.

Always do good so that it can come back to you in a positive way.

Do share your views on KARMA, want to know your take on KARMA

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