
I was listening to K-LOVE radio this morning and the song, LIVE LIKE THAT by SIDEWALK PROPHETS started playing. As I listened, I quickly thought about a conversation I had yesterday with a young man that was confused. We were talking about the prospect of making money and having certain attitudes about the Value of Money.

There was a string of words in the song: “CHANGE YOUR HEART, LOVE IS TRUE”. Upon hearing these words, I thought about that conversation. We were talking about making money with BITCOIN. He made the comment from the source of his confusion: “You’re Catholic and I’m Christian and we are taught that MONEY IS THE SOURCE OF EVIL!” I told him, he had that totally wrong. The real statement is: THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE SOURCE OF EVIL.

As we continued the conversation, I stated you have to have a respect for money. To unravel his confusion, I explained that there were 2 ways to look at money.

  1. You can Love money
  2. You can use money as a tool

Regarding MONEY AS A TOOL, I told him that he would have to determine how he will use money that will be the factor of its value.


I heard this: “you can choose to be bitter or you can choose to bless another” This is the value of using MONEY AS A TOOL. If you have a healthy attitude toward money and the value of money, you can bless another by a variety of means.

How about this: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you feed him for a life time.”

Apply MONEY AS A TOOL to this concept and ask yourself: HOW FAR CAN I REACH?

One day, I received a surprise. I received a check for a little over one hundred dollars. I left it on my desk until I decided what I was going to do with it. That Sunday, I went to Church and a Missionary talked about the work he was doing. I went home, grabbed my checkbook and wrote a check for just that sum. I went back to Church and gave it to him (and told him I had to make a deposit before he cashed it)!

Sometimes, you receive very clear messages exactly what you are suppose to do. You may have to wait for just that message but in the meantime, get yourself prepared. If you stay in this CRYPTOCURRENCY space, you can make a large sum of money. Are you going to LOVE MONEY or will you USE MONEY AS A TOOL?

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