Before talking about Robotics and Infrared, the basic introduction should be known to all. Robotics is basically talking about robot; it is a human like object made up with machines. With increasing development in the area of mechanics, electronics and mathematical modeling, the subjects Robotics came a long way. From a metal piece which could barely move one place to other places, now there are many machines capable to detected land mind, jump from higher and do troubleshooting. As opined by Novak (2014, PP- 124), the word Robotics used to define a virtual human body, made up with machines, and can do all the necessary work in place of a human. However that idea came from several years ago mostly to save the human times. The concept of robotics consumed many engineering stream like Computer Science Technology, Mechanics, Electrical and Electronics etc. The reason behind to developing this new concept is to incise the work speed, doing the work with full accuracy which is next to impossible for human begins, avoid waste of time for doing the same work, to perform repetitive work and many more. As intended by Berry (2017, PP- 541), today and the upcoming market Robotics technology is going to be used or using in many aspects like various Institution, security reason, hotel and restaurant, office etc. Talking about other aspects is Infrared rays. It is basically an electromagnetic radiation higher wavelength than Gamma and Visible rays, hence cannot seen by human eye. It was invented by Sir William Herschel in 1800. Earlier days the use of infrared rays is almost nil, but as the modern age goes on use of such thing is highly incises specially in various type of medical therapy and security reasons. Nowadays as a security reason, it has been highly used in hotels like JW MARRIOTT. It is a luxury multi star hotel of Marriott International corporation. John Willard Marriott is the founder of JW MARRIOTT and the hotel named is named after him. The hotels of this company spread all over the world as per January, 2017, there are 83 hotels are operated under this company (
Research Hypothesis: Whether the Robots and Infrared facility help all the customers
• Impact of customer good experience for the development of any organization
• Whether the Robotics and Infrared sensor process can help customers for security
• Whether Robotic and Infrared facility are annoying the customers
• Improve wireless activities and add keyless entry features for every room.
• In training period, proper training to the new employee must be giving in a proper way.

Research Aim:
The main aim of this research is to use robotic and infrared technologies as for security reasons to give necessary protection to the tourist and to maintain the standard of the Hotel.
Research Objectives: To critically evaluate the importance of robotic for helping customer service.
To analyze the significance inferred sensor for the security of a customer.
Rationale of this study:
According to J. D. Power report satisfactions of gusts in South America Hotels are incises exponentially. Hotels that are constructed with devices and facilities that corporate customer with their needs and works immediate satisfaction to evaluate comfort to the next level. Every businessman want to grow business and compete with other company but to compete with other the authorization have to apply a new technology that differs that company from other. To fulfill the demand in the market the researcher will be developing and creating a new concept called robotics and infrared technology in future. As opined by Adalikwu (2014, pp: 43), many of the leading hotel industry adopting robotic technology to improve the gusts experience. However Robots have probable not only free the human times but also it assist the prospect of guest stay. In fact not only those robots can be used beyond the imagination of human beings and the cost production is the only factor. If a hotel applies these technologies, the living cost to the hotels increase gradually. MARRIOTT INTERNATION based in Chicago, there are two robots staff called Cleo and Leo whose dressed are very well, with a name tag, to impress hotel customers. Those two robots are new addition in Marriott’s robot takeover brand (Farkas, 2015, PP- 12). Around 3 feet tall robotic staffs are always available to serve the peoples in this hotel. Marriott international uses these robots as reception desk to check in check out guest list, as a valet that is self driven car which will park car automatically, cleaning maintenance and room service, as a employee management to determined the optical development of hotel staff and know the demand of guest to serve them correctly and power management and security reasons.
Literature Review:
The concept of robotics came up from Artificial Intelligence which is only to put all human emotions and thinking ability in a mercenary robot to make it a better version of human. Basically human beings controlled Machines and computers but in case of artificial intelligence, machines decide its own decision and make the work possible (Craig, 2017, PP- 77). The researcher will work to develop a full Artificial Intelligence that could replace a human. In this business oriented industry the technology yet to reach but it is on high demand because one this technology officially registered there will be no labor problem or issue and it will run the industry very smoothly. In future it can be use not only as a security reason but also looking after the gusts and serve them with better facilities. The researcher will describe a four step model for improvement of customers experience below:
STEP 1.Understand the importance of consumer experience for business: A survey leads to the researcher that 62% consumer will change their brand experience a poor customer service. Consumer should care more about CX than anything else to expand the brand. It is a prime factor for buyers when they choosing a particular product from market (Thrun, 2015, PP- 59). At around 86% of buyers will paying more for good consumer service. In multi starrer hotels better the consumer services more will be the customer and more will be the brand value of this company.
STEP 2.Identify which process effects CX most: In this step, the company will have to figure out which CX improvement are the most for customer. In order to improve consumer experience, one must start improving individual techniques like in hotels one should organized each and every rooms very properly and administration system have to be high class. As intended by Espiau (2014, pp.19), the techniques are handling very smartly I the eyes of the customer.
STEP3. Implement process to improve CX system: Identify which touch points to improve first then deciding which process change and device are best for improving those touch points. The company has to use those implement as to increase the brand value and to attracted customer (Meyer, 2016, PP- 1059). Use of Artificial intelligence and robotics can said to be a strategy of modern business world. Implement of robots in place of reception and parking area can change the hotel image in front of public’s eye.
STEP 4.Measure the final result to the bottom line: At this stage many larger business man meets analysis disaster, to avoid this disaster one should have to measure the final result at the very initial stage, this is also the reason that many other multinational company cannot compete with new company in comparison to technological facts, newer company make billions of money using its new technology and take over old company. According to the viewpoint of Farkas (2015, PP- 17), in hotels and resorts a robots take care all this facilities with an experience hand. Feedback of the customer is the best resources for improvement and repairs all previous faults. Measurement of this feedback is very important and identification of the faults and re-established them with new equipment leads the company in a different level.
Relation with this model and Marriott: This model highlights every aspect of hotel industry and evaluates every point through these steps. JW MARRIOTT is a five star hotel and its branches are spread all over the world and conducting every branch properly in the same manner is quite difficult for a human beings. Developing Artificial Intelligence can connect and run the industry very well. However the same story explained throughout the model. Infrared radiation will be use as a person dictation in future and keyless entry with leaser dictation will be farther added in this list. This project must be given importance of improvement for consumer experience. The researcher will describe in detail, if a chance will be given for the further research.
Type of research investigation: As the research area under discussion is associated with consumer service and customer satisfaction in context of MARRIOTT International Hotel, the researcher will bring to a close this investigate producer with the help of some unique tools and method like research strategy, research approach, data collection and sample method. Finally with describing some ethical and critical issue, the researcher group will complete this research mythology chapter in future.
Research Philosophy: In this section there are three sub sections that is realism, positivism, interpretive as the main data of this research is very much verified and extensive. The researcher group will choose post positivism research philosophy in this process.
Research Approach: As directed by Bernard (2017, PP-47), the approach of this research can be illustrate by two method, that is deductive and inductive research approach. As customer service and customer fulfillment are individually confirmed by the point of view of customer.
Research Design: research design can be elaborate by four simple terminologies such as explanatory, exploratory and correlation design, specifying and descriptive.
Research Strategy: The main aspect of this research is to gain the knowledge about consumer services given by the Hotels and customers satisfaction. The point of view and feedback of the customer is very essential and important. Thus the research will be conducting various surveys, interview of customers and as well as the managers of this association.
Population and Sampling: To conduct any analysis process the researcher group will be targeting various numbers of people this process is called Population and Sampling. In this process 30 numbers of customer and 3 line managers are targeting as to complete the population and sampling process.
Data Analysis: After examining the data analytical process, the researchers will analysis the data with the help of various mathematical representatives After that using some tabular and graphical arrangement, the researcher will match up to entire data anthology from qualitative and quantitative process and finally come to the desire aim and objectives to this projects.
Accessibility issues: The researcher will take permission from the managing director for accessibility of various issues of JW MARRIOTT hotels and also the team will have to take permission from Government of India to avoid further problems in future.
Research Ethics: When the researcher will conclude data collection process from the line managers of JW MARRIOTT hotel, there are some secret business strategy will be shown to grown up all business. According to Data Protection Act 1998, the research will have to give an word about to look after the whole top secret data of this association.
The researcher will use quantitative and qualitative data collection process to gather knowledge about the present scenario of Hotel Marriot and the importance of Robotics and Infrared.
Action Plan:
The researcher will complete the entire research within the specific time frame, which is attached in appendix (Appendix: 1.1).
Finding and Analysis:
According to this survey some analysis can be made on basis of customer demand and their choices, food quality, servicing provided by the management, online room booking, security and check post use with infrared radiation and other aspects. Apart from food quality all other facilities are given to the customer is very high quality as said by the researcher head. The management should focus on security system, the company should upgrade its keyless entering system in particular rooms and started to use infrared radiation to check all the language and bags bringing by customer, they should develop robots for room services and automatic car parking system. The company should also able to analysis their customer by giving them their perfect package.

• Does the Robots and Infrared facility help all the customers?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. disagree
d. Strongly disagree
• Do you agree that the Impact of customer good experience for the development of any organization?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
• Do you think that the Robotics and Infrared sensor process can help customers for security?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
• Does the Robotic and Infrared facility are annoying the customers?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
From this survey the researcher group may give some recommended improvement to incises the business are given below:
 Control to cover extra expenses and make a affordable package for visitors by giving them best services.
 In training period, proper training to the new employee must be giving in a proper way.
 Incises various type of food for visitors coming all over the world.
 Improve wireless activities and add keyless entry features for every room.
 Use infrared radiation as a fire alarm and security sense.
 Improve robotics technology in room services and business management system.
 Give importance the feedback, receiving from customer.
Every business grows due to the strategy and marketing structure provided by the management of company. Every company should look after its wrong feedback given by their customer and will fixed those problems as soon as possible in future (Socrates, 2014, p.115). The main rule to survive in today’s market is to compete or die, same as the company or hotel business, in hotel business competition level increasing day by day with new technology and facilities. Every undergoing process should be taken consideration seriously. In near future robotics and infrared radiation is the main attraction among the customers and the hotels business.

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