Supplemental Labor Day Photolog

Nikiski Beach AKA - Salamatof Beach

          Likely one of the best beaches on the Kenai Peninsula for agate hunting, but there are a lot of other things on the beach to be found. Nikiski beach was one of our stops on Friday. We did not stay long because of the wind, but did get a few, "different" type of pictures.

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          This is one of the loading piers from one of the refineries. I tried to get a stop action shot of the wave, it came out sort of okay, but I feel it could have been better.

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          This is the view looking back up the gravel to the entry point for the beach, you can see a lot of drift wood and tree stumps at the high tide line, (slightly above it due to the storm surge from a few days ago when it was super windy).

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          Just a small red rock in the beach gravel, I did not find an agate to take a picture of.

          I like this next piece of drift wood, to me it looks like a horse and had an interesting shape so I took "it's" picture.

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          Not a lot of seaweed on this beach, but we do get more than just rocks and driftwood. Here one of our fine feathered friends lost a feather, likely a seagull.

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You can visit the primary labor day photolog here: My Labor Day Weekend Photolog so Far, it is located on my primary page @bashadow.

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