Take Child : Jail Mom - Deborah Sampson Epilogue

Take Child  Jail Mom Deborah Sampson (1).png

ECHR Article 3,6 + 8 Alleged Court Case Numbers
ZE18C00186, ZE21C00211, 012101100810, 01JI1261923 + Any Others

i the living woman :Deborah of the family :Sampson, am competent, and do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:-

To Whom It May Concern,
I am a law-abiding woman committed to complying with any legitimate court order issued through valid proceedings as adjudged by a jury of my peers. However, I categorically deny any wrongdoing as alleged in the counterfeit proceedings served by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). My vulnerable family and I have been subjected to a series of violent encounters, purportedly justified by these fraudulent court proceedings, summonses, and warrants—none of which can be authenticated.

Specific Incidents:

  1. 2014 Arrest and Unlawful Prosecution:In 2014, I was arrested while assisting a community member during an eviction involving an illegal bailiff, who falsely claimed to possess an authentic warrant issued by the County Court at Romford. Following this unlawful arrest and subsequent prosecution, Romford Magistrates' Court determined that the warrant in question was counterfeit. The principle of "false imprisonment" applies here, as outlined in R (Lumba) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] UKSC 12, where the Supreme Court held that unlawful detention constitutes false imprisonment.
  2. 2018 Alleged Proceedings by Redbridge Local Authority:The Redbridge Local Authority claimed to have initiated proceedings under case numbers ZE18C00186 and ZE21C00211, allegedly issued by the East London Family Court. No verifiable records of these proceedings exist, which raises concerns about the authenticity of the alleged legal actions. The absence of such records may indicate that these proceedings are void ab initio as per the principles set forth in Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 2 AC 147, where the House of Lords held that any decision made without proper jurisdiction is null and void.
  3. 2017 Incident Involving Marston (Holdings) Limited:An illegal bailiff from Marston (Holdings) Limited falsely informed the police that he possessed an authentic court-issued warrant, leading to my unlawful arrest and the theft of my conveyance. The principles of "misfeasance in public office," as outlined in Three Rivers District Council and Others v Governor and Company of the Bank of England [2000] UKHL 33, are relevant here, as the bailiff's actions were unlawful and intended to cause harm.
  1. 2019 Alleged Prosecution by Redbridge Local Authority:In 2019, the Redbridge Local Authority claimed to have initiated prosecution proceedings issued by Barkingside Magistrates' Court. Again, no verifiable records support these claims, suggesting a pattern of fraudulent legal actions.

  2. 2021 Unlawful Removal of Grandchildren:The Redbridge Local Authority claimed possession of a Supervision Order issued by the East London Family Court, which led to the unlawful and forcible removal of my grandchildren. The alleged supervision order lacks authenticity, raising significant concerns under Re H (Minors) (Sexual Abuse: Standard of Proof) [1996] AC 563, where the burden of proof in family law cases was emphasized.

  3. Alleged Non-Molestation Order and Breach:I am further alleged to have breached a non-existent non-molestation order, purportedly issued by the court simultaneously with the above proceedings. The lack of any legitimate order, as confirmed by subsequent investigations, suggests these allegations are unfounded and malicious.

  4. Request for Case Management Printout Denied:On October 21, 2022, I submitted a written request to the East London Family Court manager to obtain the Case Management printout for sections 1, 2, and 3, and to inspect the alleged court file. Despite a follow-up on May 18, 2024, this request has not been granted, violating the court's procedural rules and indicating potential misconduct. The refusal to grant this request violates principles established in Padfield v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [1968] AC 997, where the court held that administrative decisions must be subject to judicial review to prevent abuse of power.

  5. April 2024 Arrest by Cornwall Police:I was arrested by Cornwall police (Crime No. 4416207/23) while attending my stepmother's funeral on the grounds of a bench warrant relating to the alleged non-molestation order. I was subsequently released unconditionally after the police found no such warrant or authentic non-molestation order issued by the court. This false arrest and detention are actionable under Roberts v Chief Constable of Cheshire Constabulary [1999] 1 WLR 662, where the court held that an unlawful arrest constitutes a false imprisonment claim.

  6. Response from Redbridge Local Authority:In response to my request to Adrian Loades, CEO of Redbridge Local Authority, to produce a statutory receipt for the fee allegedly paid to issue the proceedings, no such receipt was provided. Instead, I received a response from Shaheen Tahir stating, "if the fee wasn't paid, the case could not have been issued." This response constitutes "gaslighting," as it implies legitimacy where none exists, further supporting the conclusion that the proceedings are counterfeit.

Conclusion and Demand for Administrative Order:
Given that none of the above incidents can be verified as involving authentic legal proceedings, it is evident that these alleged criminal proceedings have been repeatedly grafted onto counterfeit "Lay of Information" to harass me and cover up theft and child abuse.

I hereby request an administrative order declaring all the above proceedings void ab initio, with costs and aggravated damages awarded to myself and other victims, to be decided at a subsequent costs hearing. I also demand the immediate invocation of the Anti-Fraud Policy to address these egregious abuses of the legal system

-and I make this solemn declaration, consciously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of a lawful declaration under the penalty of perjury, which also applies to the alleged accusers.
:Deborah :Sampson Authorised Representative of DEBORAH SAMPSON

Cc to whom it may concern – All Rights Reserved
I invite you to sign the petition against Court Order Scams https://bit.ly/ComLawCourt
Attached Crime Report 4416207/23

Take Child : Jail Mom Epilogue

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