Chinese Owned Bailiffs (Illegal) Invades the UK with Fake Warrants

Addressee Only
The Court Manager
The Hertford County Court of Record

Dear Court Manager, 03/03/2021

NOTICE AND DEMAND - 03-03-2022
In response to my complaint against the unauthorised violent bailiff, Francis Aalain, without a warrant, Issued by the Court, I received an unsealed and unsigned sheet of paper title ORDER, where it states and I quote:-

"Deputy District Judge Wright sitting at Hertford County Court in Private on 1st March 2022

The Judge has considered the complaint and the Agent’s response and is satisfied that the Agent remains a fit and proper person to hold a certificate.
The complaint is dismissed".

Take Notice
I have never been served, with any proceedings, Issued by the court.


  1. Please provide me with a an office copy, of the material on which the adjudication was based, namely, the authentic Warrant on which our private and confidential DATA was abused, along with a copy of the Mr Arlain's HMCTS IG and Insurance bond.

2)An explanation, why illegal Bailiff Christopher Paul Phantis was struck off for the same crime, when Mr Arlain is let loose on the public.

  1. An explanation if an unsealed and unsigned sheet of paper, has any force in law.
  2. Provide a copy of the court's anti-fraud and assurance policy.


Anthony Badaloo
cc to whom it may concern

Case number (if unknown enter N/A) : HC11C00283
RES5811330 Original complaint date: 06/09/2018Chinese Owned Bailiffs (Illegal) Invades the UK with Fake Warrants

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