
This year, if there's something you should do, it's those things that you have always been afraid of doing.

I'm sure you must have heard that "taking no risk is the biggest risk," and that's the truth.

So many people have missed life-changing opportunities because they were either scared of doing something or worried about what other people will say.

You see someone you like, but you can't approach him or her because you are nursing the thought of them turning you down. Why not walk up to them first before concluding? What if your assumption is wrong?

You want to start up a laundry service, but you are worried about what people will say: "Won't they laugh at me?" Why not start it up first? You'd be surprised; those you thought would laugh at you might be your first customers.

You want to leave your environment and go somewhere else to look for greener pastures, but you're scared you might not succeed. Why not go first? It's easier to forgive yourself for trying and failing than for not trying at all.

See, fear kills before death itself.

This year, free yourself from the shackles of fear.

Move out of your circle.

Try out that business idea that you have been nursing since.

Ask that girl out.

Start something and see how far you can go first.

Every building starts with the foundation.

Take a step first; without it, you wouldn't know how far you would go.

Please get up and turn that thought, that idea, into actions; the world wouldn't have any other options than to adjust.

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