Monday Mayhem Meltdown


The truth of the Headline

The truth: It is Monday.
The truth: I am sure there is some Mayhem somewhere, after all it is winter and power is out, internet is down, and a few people have gone missing because of it.
The truth: Meltdown we all go into meltdown when there is an issue with our connection to our online lives. We get upset, feel frazzled, and suffer from major FOMO.

So the headline is true, but it really has nothing much to do with my picture post update. I just wanted to have a cool headline. Most of my post don't. I really liked my Titanic Tuesday Trilogy headline from three weeks ago, so I wanted another cool headline. On with the post then.

We had our second snowfall of the season on Saturday evening 12-8-18. Not much and about the same amount as last time.

The driveway after the first snowfall: 11-11
Source my camera Big picture

And almost one month later: 12-9
004 drive behind park area.jpg
Source my camera Big Picture

Not a lot of difference in the amount of snow. As a reminder however, that first snow had just gravel and weeds and grass. I did a post on the 5th and here is what is under that fresh un-messed up as of yet snow, I have had no cause to go out anywhere yet).

The driveway look on 12-5-18
021 12-5 drive ice.jpg
Full size image here

A lot of ice under that fresh snow, but the fresh snow does make the ground look oh so much cleaner and safer. It may look safer, but that is really just a thin veneer covering some very hazardous conditions. Things should start to get better now though, the next warm up will hopefully mushafie, (my word), the ice underneath the snow and turn it to slush making it a lot easier to walk and play on. Okay one more picture then the end is near.

I am still learning and playing with panoramic photo program. I did learn that if there is to much of a similar look that it will not find enough pixels to make the pano. I had to along with pre-sizing the images, remove a lot of the foreground snow field to get the pano to take.

12-9 driveway cropped resized.jpg
Source my camera Big Picture

And with that I end the post. Winter can be fun, but it can be hard, dangerous, and cause some meltdowns and mayhem, so when those things happen, turn the heat up or throw another log on the fire, sit back relax enjoy a beverage of your choosing, and if the power and internet and phone service is out, practice real life conversing with your spouse or a friend.

Check-in every now and then at @steemUSA, they may have a new Monday Photo or Thursday thought post.

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