Just A Few Random Pictures I Felt Like Sharing


Random Shots and Thoughts

          Well it is Wednesday, and it was raining for most of the day, it rained a lot yesterday also. We are kind of in the pre-snow season of rain, and wind. I think mother nature does this so we have a real reminder that it is time to prepare for winter. I am not very good at stitching pictures together, but here is what we got to see after the rain let up a little bit yesterday.

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          That was from the coffee shop, not really visible when we pulled into the parking lot, but my wife saw it as soon as she got out of the vehicle. We do not get rainbows too often so this was a nice surprise.

          This was from October 11th, on one of our drives down to Homer. We always try to get more stops in than just our planned destination. The night before an exceptionally real high tide, full or almost full moon, and a whole lot of wind.

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          There were trees and debris all up and down this stretch of the beach, and one of the little side roads was pretty much washed out with about 10 feet of what used to be buried culvert pipe exposed.

         It was like mother nature was telling us to stop a moment and reflect on what she had wrought. The puddle/small pool in front of the log, the overcast rain holding clouds above, but still some beauty in the warning if we chose to see the change of seasons is upon us. I do like how the right hand side of the tree with the branches in the reflection look a little bit like a crown., Like the tree is passing the crown from the King of Summer to the new King of winter. Winter is coming. And I will soon get to see season 6 and 7 soon, just need to make a dvd binge night or two available.

          Here is the Anchor River at the end of fall, I do have another picture from the bridge on a drive by, (fortunately the bridge is narrow and the speed is slow), from mid spring, I may even have one from the summer but not sure on that.

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          That image was also captured on our Oct. 11th drive. As you can see even down in the river valley area the winds reached out their hands to ruffle the leaves off of the trees. Not many left at all.

          Okay, this is the last picture, and nope not UFO's or 12th dimension beings at war in our skies. just some light artifacts from the camera, the sun angle, and the fact I think I had the window rolled up not down, so some reflection off of it.

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          I just thought it was a pretty neat artifact so wanted to share it. The upper left hand side, although it is rather easy to see. One part that looks like a wheel, and another that looks like a flare that decided to go up and down and left and right, and even a small wheel arc to the left of the flare type image. Just kind of a different photo from the norm, the kind most people do not share, because it was not what they were taking a picture of, me I was just doing a lot of window snapshots to see if I got a lucky, nice, 55MPH scenery shot.

          Well that pretty much does it for this post, not exactly a walk with me. or a drive with me, or an anything with me other than just some random shots, but really not to random since three quarters of them were taken on the same day, but of those three they were taken at different locations, so sort of random in that respect. And of course the first one was taken while we were parked, and is really two pictures put together.

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