12-21 Winter Solstice 2019


Some More Cold Dark Shots

Well it is Winter Solstice, according to Google it occurred about 7:19 PM:

winter solstice time ak 12-21-2019.jpg

I wanted to get a few different areas of the night sky, and I was hoping to be able to get a few right at Solstice time, unfortunately at only 13 degrees Fahrenheit, (minus 10C), I went out a little bit to early. I started to take shots at 6:45 PM, about 10 minutes to early, by nine minutes after seven I had to go back inside, so I missed solstice shot by ten minutes, however here are the few I did get.

DSC_8926 -1 for upload.jpg The first standalone shot, I took a series of 7 shots at 30 seconds each f-stop 4.5 and ISO of 2500. Below is the image of them merged together.

Startrails stacking set 1 upload.jpg

star bar.jpg

Looking down my driveway the big dipper was visible once again, Here is it's stand alone shot followed by the star-trails image of 8 shots. Same settings as above.

DSC_8933 -1 upload.jpg

And the Star-trails:
Startrails stacking set 2 upload.jpg

star bar.jpg

The first two series of shots above I felt that I did not get enough of the sky, so the next two are with the camera angled up more, and different parts of the sky. This first one is between the first set and the Big Dipper set:

DSC_8943 -1 upload.jpg

And the Star-Trails combine of 6 images:
Startrails stacking set 3 upload.jpg

star bar.jpg

And here is the last set of images, looking slightly south of the others.

DSC_8950 -1 upload.jpg

And the Star-Trails shots, I think 8 images all together in this set.

Startrails stacking set 4 upload.jpg

star bar.jpg

Well that is pretty much all I have time for, Solstice is almost over and I want this posted before midnight.

Comments, Suggestion, Ideas always welcome, and of course hints tricks tips, and so on.

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