'Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted' Says Trump's Lawyer, Rudy Giuliani

What Julain Assange and WikiLeaks have done, is simply release publications, just like the Washington Post and New York Times did with the Pentagon Papers. This is what Rudy Giuliani said on Monday. Assange hasn't done "anything wrong" and shouldn't go to jail for publishing stolen information. Speaking to Fox News, Giuliani said:

"Let’s take the Pentagon Papers."

"The Pentagon Papers were stolen property, weren’t they? It was in The New York Times and The Washington Post. Nobody went to jail at The New York Times and The Washington Post."


Since then, it's happened time and time again where the mainstream media releases classified information they've gotten from sources. Like Abu Grhraib torture, it was "stolen property taken from the government, it’s against the law. But once it gets to a media publication, they can publish it, for the purpose of informing people."

Yet, nothing ever happens to them. They don't battle in court over secret indictments. And Assange has done the same, as Giuliani recognizes "You can’t put Assange in a different position. He was a guy who communicated."

He further added:

"We may not like what [Assange] communicates, but he was a media facility. He was putting that information out."

All the other media published and talked about what WikiLeaks first did. What, because Assange and WikiLeaks were first to release "illegal information", then they have to face the court and the threat of imprisonment? What bullshit.

Giuliani also put down the false claims of a RussiaGate conspiracy with WikiLeaks and the Trump administration:

"I was with Donald Trump day in and day out during the last four months of the campaign. He was as surprised as I was about the WikiLeaks disclosures. Sometimes surprised to the extent of ‘Oh my god, did they really say that?’ We were wondering if it was true. They [the Clinton campaign] never denied it."

He also stuck it to Hilary for being exposed by the leaks, which were true:

"The thing that really got Hillary is not so much that it was revealed, but they were true. They actually had people as bad as that and she really was cheating on the debates. She really was getting from Donna Brazile the questions before hand. She really did completely screw Bernie Sanders."

"Every bit of that was true. Just like the Pentagon Papers put a different view on Vietnam, this put a different view on Hillary Clinton."

Giuliani still thinks the hackers who stole the info "should go to jail", but

"... no press person or person disseminating that for the purpose of informing did anything wrong."

See the interview here:

Maybe Giuliani can help to influence Trump and the Justice Department to let go of this bone the U.S. deep state has with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. It would be good to see Assange go free from his self-imposed prison within the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he's been for over 6 years. The threat of the U.S. kidnapping Assange through extradition with the U.K. still exists for the time being.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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